देश द्रोही Meaning in English
देश द्रोही शब्द का अंग्रेजी अर्थ : traitor
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द्रोही कार्यक्रम
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ट्राम लाइन्स
ट्राम की पटरी
देश-द्रोही इसके अंग्रेजी अर्थ का उदाहरण
Wood's membership was short-lived however as he was expelled from the BPP following personality clashes with Morrison and Watmough, who would publicly accuse Wood of being an ideological "traitor" without elaborating on the claim.
A traitorous Emma, disillusioned by the Mothervine plot, freed Polaris and her team after overseeing an experiment by Miss Sinister on Jimmy Hudson, and they made their way to the inner circle's meeting room.
They were viewed both as traitors to the Jewish people and as one of the main supports for the Roman occupation.
It transpires that his concerns were justified when Tharn is revealed to be the traitor, magically trapping the Emperor and his general, Talin Warhaft, in another dimension.
Later, in the 1814 Battle of Paris, Marmont abandoned Napoleon and was branded a traitor.
However, Andresillo was a traitor who communicated the details of the attack to the Spanish, so that the attackers were transformed into the attacked.
Some resented this switch, even going so far as calling it traitorous, suggesting it was rooted in financial gain.
I do not rule out the possibility that the crowd, this human river marches united to Milaflores to expel a traitor to the Venezuelan people.
Frank McLardy - WW2 traitor, Liverpool District Secretary of the British Union of Fascists; founder member of the Waffen-SS British Free Corps; later served as SS-Unterscharführer in the Waffen-SS Medical Corps.
His father was a fighter in the Scholars' Revolt, but in 1885 he was killed by the other leaders in the revolt who suspected him of being a traitor.