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दृढ़ीकरण Meaning in English

दृढ़ीकरण शब्द का अंग्रेजी अर्थ : firming
, hardening

दृढ़ीकरण इसके अंग्रेजी अर्थ का उदाहरण

Now the single-valued JIC is determined as the toughness near the onset of the ductile crack extension (effect of strain hardening is not important).

This represented a hardening of Kaloudau's earlier position, which had been critical of both supporters and opponents of the legislation and had called on the Military to follow the proper channels in voicing its opposition to the bill.

After the grains deform during processing, they recrystallize, which maintains an equiaxed microstructure and prevents the metal from work hardening.

Rigid copper, rigid due to the work hardening of the drawing process, cannot be bent and must use elbow fittings to go around corners or around obstacles.

) Weakening and hardening suffixes alter the stem to which they attach by changing the features of the stem-final consonant.

In keeping with the avoidance of laryngeally marked non-final codas, weakening and hardening often trigger epenthesis, yielding a schwa between the stem and suffix.

For a hardening spring oscillator (\alpha>0 and large enough positive \beta>\beta_{c+}>0) the frequency response overhangs to the high-frequency side, and to the low-frequency side for the softening spring oscillator (\alpha>0 and \beta).

This crucible was heated to for up to 6"nbsp;hours (the longer the heat was applied the thicker the case hardening).

Initially case hardening was used but did not offer any aesthetics.

Squirrel Nut Zippers were small and tended to be soft and chewy, hardening quickly when outside of their packaging, while warming them slightly revived their chewy texture.

Raphael makes the woman more risqué by enlarging her breasts, hardening her nipples, and giving her a possible flirty yet shy glance towards the viewer.

It can be used to retard the chemical hardening of the surface, so that the top layer can be washed off to expose the underlying aggregate.

Colour case hardening .

दृढ़ीकरण हिंदी उपयोग और उदाहरण

iv. पर्यवटिक्षत संस्थाओं की आंतरिक प्रतिरक्षा प्रणाली का सुदृढ़ीकरण

दृढ़ीकरण तथा आधुनिकीकरण ।

इसमें पहले प्रस्ताव में कोनों को पुनः स्थापित करने, ठीक से नहीं लगे पत्थरों को हटाना, वेदिकाओं का सुदृढ़ीकरण और झरोखे, महिराब (तोरण), स्तूप और मुख्य गुम्बद को पुनः स्थापित करना शामिल था जिससे तत्काल हो सकने वाले दुर्घटनाओं को रोका जा सके।

जंतुवैज्ञानिक नामकरण अकबर ने अपनी सत्ता के सुदृढ़ीकरण हेतु 9 विद्वानों की नियुक्ति की जिन्हें कालांतर में अकबर के नवरत्न के नाम से भी जाना गया।

स्वापक औषधियों और साइकोट्रापिक पदार्थों में अवैध व्यापार को रोकने के लिए प्र्रवत्तन क्षमताओं के सुदृढ़ीकरण के लिए राज्य सरकारों के वित्त पोषण की स्कीम।

राज्य की सीमाओं के सुदृढ़ीकरण के साथ स्थानीय निष्ठाएँ और बोलियाँ भी उत्तरोत्तर राष्ट्रीय निष्ठाओं एवं सर्वमान्य जनभाषाओं के रूप में विकसित हुईं।

कैबिनेट की दीवारों में ध्वनि के प्रसारण को कम करने के उपायों में, कैबिनेट की मोटी दीवारें, क्षयकारी दीवार सामग्री, आंतरिक सुदृढ़ीकरण, मुड़ी हुई कैबिनेट की दीवारें- या बहुत ही कम, श्यानप्रत्यास्थ सामग्री (जैसे, खनिजयुक्त कोलतार) या अंतःक्षेत्र की अंदरूनी दीवारों पर सीसे की पतली चद्दर की परत चढ़ाना शामिल हैं।

""iv. पर्यवटिक्षत संस्थाओं की आंतरिक प्रतिरक्षा प्रणाली का सुदृढ़ीकरण

प्रारंभिक चरण के दौरान धूम्रपान सुखद अनुभूतियां प्रदान करता है (इसके डोपामाइन (dopamine) प्रणाली पर प्रभाव के कारण) और इस तरह सकारात्मक सुदृढ़ीकरण के एक स्रोत के रूप में कार्य करता है।

"" कैबिनेट की दीवारों में ध्वनि के प्रसारण को कम करने के उपायों में, कैबिनेट की मोटी दीवारें, क्षयकारी दीवार सामग्री, आंतरिक सुदृढ़ीकरण, मुड़ी हुई कैबिनेट की दीवारें- या बहुत ही कम, श्यानप्रत्यास्थ सामग्री (जैसे, खनिजयुक्त कोलतार) या अंतःक्षेत्र की अंदरूनी दीवारों पर सीसे की पतली चद्दर की परत चढ़ाना शामिल हैं।

दृढ़ीकरण तथा आधुनिकीकरण।

प्रारम्भिक विरोध- मीर जाफर द्वारा सत्ता सुदृढ़ीकरण के लिए १७५७-५८ ई. तक खींचातानी होती रही।

वर्षों तक उनके विकास की विशेषता बढ़ती हुई आंतरिक अवस्था एवं इस पहचान का सतर्क तथा सचेत दृढ़ीकरण था।

दृढ़ीकरण इसके अंग्रेजी अर्थ का उदाहरण

In all three cases there was strong laboratory evidence confirming infection, due to the presence of neutralizing antibodies linked to California encephalitis.

The town is home to the renowned Day of Navarre (Nafarroa Eguna), a festival attracting a massive turnout (by thousands) from the Spanish and French side of Navarre in early May intended to strengthen ties between both Navarrese territories and affirming their common Basque identity.

Martin Heidegger's concepts of anxiety (angst) and mortality drew from Kierkegaard; he is indebted to the way Kierkegaard lays out the importance of our subjective relation to truth, our existence in the face of death, the temporality of existence and the importance of passionately affirming one's being-in-the-world.

Pixadorus is also mentioned in the Xanthos trilingual inscription, confirming the rule of Pixodarus over neighbouring Lycia:.

For I am warranted in affirming that many now have stout, healthy bodies and are of decent behaviour who in all probability would have been languishing with disease and pests to society had they not been employed at Lanark cotton mills.

Towards the end of the first hearing, the deposed president refused to sign the legal document confirming his understanding of the charges.

In (b), the fronted VP precedes the matrix subject, confirming that the VP is located in the matrix clause.

He takes the blame for Miho Odagiri's death by confirming Azusa's conclusion that he was her lover, but it is later revealed that he was paid by his office superior, Shuichiro Tachibana, to be his scapegoat.

When the ceasefire was announced from Fernhill House in Glencairn, McMichael was one of the six, along with UDP colleagues John White and David Adams and Progressive Unionist Party leaders Gusty Spence, "Plum" Smith and Jim McDonald, who delivered the statement confirming the cessation.

On May 31, 1996, Douglas Baird upheld Diana's conviction on two of the counts, affirming the original ruling that Diana's work was "patently offensive" and that if Diana's intent was to show "that horrible things are happening in our society, should have created a vehicle to send his message that was not obscene.

Birch was able to identify this cartouche as belonging to Suphis/Cheops as it had previously been identified by the Italian scholar, Ippolito Rosellini, thereby confirming Khufu's involvement with the Great Pyramid – an association which had, until then, been reported only by Herodotus who records Khufu as the builder of the structure.

Adams parallels his pugnacious comments by confirming his desire for an amicable end to hostilities and insistence that preparation for war is the only way to insure peace.

In 2007 and 2010, Conteh authored two decisions affirming the common law doctrine of aboriginal title and the existence of Maya customary land tenure in the Toledo District of Belize.

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