दासश्रमिक Meaning in English
दासश्रमिक शब्द का अंग्रेजी अर्थ : slave labour
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दास बनानेवालाजोरू का ग़ुलाम
गुलाम मालिक
दास बेचनेवाला
गुलाम जहाज
दास अवस्था
दास व्यापार
गुलाम व्यापारी
दासों जैसा
दास प्रथा
दासश्रमिक इसके अंग्रेजी अर्थ का उदाहरण
) – all places where slave labour was the norm.
Barracks were prefabricated in Germany before being transported to and assembled in Norway through the use of Norwegian contractors and slave labour.
Passages in his poem reflected on the sugar industry's dark legacy of the use of slave labour.
The Finkenwerder bunker was constructed by 1,700 slave labourers over four years.
Children and adolescents were routinely used for slave labour, and were subjected to physical and sexual abuse by the warders and matrons of the institutions in which they were housed.
About 90 per cent of the Hungarian Jews who survived the journey to Auschwitz were sent to the gas chambers on arrival; the rest were selected for slave labour.
In 1943, he got to know Galina Romanova, a Soviet doctor from Dnepropetrovsk who had been forcibly brought to Germany as a slave labourer.
In the course of the occupation of Poland, the Germans set up a prisoner of war camp and a camp for slave labour in the town.
The company used slave labour of the Neuengamme concentration camp with its own subcamp.
They set up encomiendas to guard the valuable gemstones and used the indigenous people to perform slave labour for the extraction of the minerals.
This camp provided slave labourers for nearby industrial plants of the SS Ostindustrie.
The 5,065-ton tramp steamer Junyo Maru sailed from Batavia (Tandjoeng Priok) on 16 September 1944 with about 4,200 romusha slave labourers and 2,300 POWs aboard.
march to slave labour in Siberia, but Raphael was sustained by his faith and became a spiritual leader to the prisoners.