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दलदली Meaning in English

दलदली शब्द का अंग्रेजी अर्थ : swamp
, foggy

दलदली इसके अंग्रेजी अर्थ का उदाहरण

As the Ottoman left flank collapsed, the grand vizier Reshid Pasha personally moved to their midst to rally them, but in the foggy confusion found himself surrounded by Egyptians and captured.

The film ends on a rare foggy day in Sarajevo.

The foggy weather then forced the crew to abort two approaches.

He rapidly called his reserves (the Guards Brigade and the two cavalry Brigades) and personally led them into this gap between the road and the marshes, causing confusion in the Ottoman left flank by this sudden onslaught, as some of their cavalry was trapped and scattered in the foggy marshes.

Due to its proximity to the Angara Reservoir, the airport is subject to a microclimate of foggy weather.

In Silent Hill 2, after receiving a letter from his deceased wife, Mary, and arriving in the foggy town of Silent Hill to search for her, the game's protagonist and primary player character, James Sunderland, encounters Pyramid Head several times over the course of the game.

” Gittings found the wintertime climate of Berlin to be “foggy and dismal,” noted that the locals still ate dinner in mid-afternoon, and saw that some students (even visiting Americans) continued to fight duels.

As the weather was foggy and the Americans had no pilots familiar with the area, which abounded with islets and sunken rocks, they spent a week in the bay but found nothing.

Still, none of the infrastructural projects are yet under way and according to The Phnom Penh Post: "plans are foggy".

St Catherine's point is often foggy, so it is not the best location for a lighthouse, but as a weather station the location is fairly suitable.

Owing to the influence of the raw, foggy Sea of Okhotsk, the climate is very cold.

The music of their kōauau and pūtōrino (bugle flutes), as well as their singing of waiata sometimes reveals their presence on foggy days.

दलदली हिंदी उपयोग और उदाहरण

यह एक स्थलरुद्ध देश है और इसके समतल भूभाग पर विशाल आकार के दलदली क्षेत्र पाए जाते हैं।

इसे वन, दलदली क्षेत्र तथा घास के मैदानों के पास रहना पसंद है।

इनके मुख्य निवास स्थान दलदली भूमि, बाढ़ वाले स्थान, तालाब, झील, परती जमीन और मुख्यतः धान के खेत इत्यादि हैं।

हालांकि संयोग भूमि का उत्तरी हिस्सा दलदली है और घने जंगलों से आच्छादित है, परंतु इसके बावजूद भी सिएरा माद्रे पर्वत श्रेणी के सबसे निचले और सर्वाधिक समतल बिंदु के रूप में तहुएंतेपेक की संयोग भूमि मेसोअमेरिका के अन्दर परिवहन और संचार का सबसे सस्ता मार्ग थी।

यह दलदली क्षेत्र है जहाँ साल वॄक्ष के घने जंगल हैं।

मौरूतानिया और सेनेगल का तटवर्ती प्रदेश काफी विस्तृत है, गिनी की खाड़ी का तट दलदली एवं लैगून झीलों से प्रभावित है।

बंगाल क खाड़ी की तरफ दलदली भूमि में सुदंरवन है, जहाँ के पादप विशेष प्रकार के हैं जिन्हें मैंग्रोव (Mangrove), पादप कहते हैं।

उस स्थान से या तो एक ही बड़ी नदी में पानी जलसंभर क्षेत्र से निकास कर के आगे बह जाता है, या फिर किसी सरोवर, सागर, महासागर या दलदली इलाक़े में जा के मिल जाता है।

टिंबक्टू दलदली एवं रेतीले भूभाग के मध्य में है, जिसे 'उष्ट्र-नाव संगमस्थल' (the meeting point of camel and canoe) कहते हैं।

"" डेल्टा के सुदूर दक्षिणी भाग में समुद्र का खारा पानी पहुँचने का कारण यह भाग नीचा, नमकीन एवं दलदली है तथा यहाँ आसानी से पनपने वाले मैंग्रोव जाति के वनों से भरा पड़ा है।

अगर इसके बजाय यह पहाड़ी, जंगली, दलदली, या शहरी होता था तो बख्तरबंद सेना नजदीकी-क्षेत्रों में लड़ने के मामले में पैदल सेना से कमजोर पड़ जाती थी और तीव्र गति से आगे बढ़ने में असमर्थ थी।

डेल्टा के सुदूर दक्षिणी भाग में समुद्र का खारा पानी पहुँचने का कारण यह भाग नीचा, नमकीन एवं दलदली है तथा यहाँ आसानी से पनपने वाले मैंग्रोव जाति के वनों से भरा पड़ा है।

इसका कुल क्षेत्रफल ९३,९८१ वर्ग मील है, जिसका १३,६८९ वर्ग मील भाग जलग्रस्त एवं दलदली है।

दलदली इसके अंग्रेजी अर्थ का उदाहरण

" It rises in the swamps to the west of Halberton, in Maurice River Township, and flows southward towards Belleplain State Forest.

It was originally known as Hillgo'el or Illgoel, an Aboriginal word of the Yukambal meaning a "swamp" and was later changed to the name of Marsh's run, "Guyra".

In this park, Church planted thousands of native trees (many transplanted from elsewhere on site); created a lake from a swamp; built a freestanding studio, summer house, and rustic benches and railings; and designed five miles (8.

("Etchart" is most likely of Basque origin; a nearby swampy area is still known as "Etchouette".

A rental plane carrying the band between shows from Greenville, South Carolina, to LSU in Baton Rouge, Louisiana, was low on fuel and crashed in a swamp in Gillsburg.

Goku and Krillin ran into and fight the ogres and monsters, including a giant devil called Ghastel who is then eaten by a swamp monster while attacking them, until they drop in straight onto the bedchamber of the Sleeping Princess which they only find as a giant jewel, disrupting the convention.

The Vorgans themselves have been able to tame a primitive race of dragons from the swamps known as Nogards.

It is found mostly in freshwater marshes, swamps, and mangroves, usually in still or very slow-moving waters.

Many of the 84 islands are uninhabited except for a few fishermen, and the forests and swamps around some of the coasts make the islands a good habitat for birds, including whale-headed stork, herons, geese, grey parrot, kingfishers, and fish eagles.

Recognizing the superior strength of the Liang army, Triệu Quang Phục often retreated to more favorable terrain, mainly in the swamps and marshlands.

Attractions in the park include a breeding marsh with a boardwalk and observation tower, zip lines, an off-road swamp vehicle tour, a ridable miniature railroad, alligator feeding shows, alligator wrestling shows, an aviary, a petting zoo, and educational programs.

Construction of the Kallang Airport began in 1931 with 300 acres of mangrove swampland being reclaimed.

Reclamation work began on the 103 hectares of a tidal swamp in Kallang Basin in 1932.

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