दबाकर रखना,नीचे रखना Meaning in English
दबाकर रखना,नीचे रखना शब्द का अंग्रेजी अर्थ : hold down
ऐसे ही कुछ और शब्द
एक दूसरे का हाथ पकड़नादृढ़ पकड़ना
धर पकड़
पकड़ पकड़
के अन्दर रोक रखना
अवमानना में पकड़
हाथ में पकड़ लेना
के पक्ष में नहीं होना
आन धारण करना
जोर पकड़ना
पर पकड़
रूकाकर रखना
अभी के लिए पकड़
अटाना,धारण करना
जहज़ पर रखना
दबाकर-रखना,नीचे-रखना इसके अंग्रेजी अर्थ का उदाहरण
The remaining 30,000 men of MacDonald's force, who were supposed to hold down the Coalition forces, were met by a heavy counter-attack by Prussian cavalry.
Tiatto struggled to hold down a first team place during his first season at Manchester City, partially due to indiscipline.
While Trollope was never able to hold down a regular place in the Welsh international team, he made nine appearances for the senior squad over six years, culminating in March 2003 in a 4–0 home victory over Azerbaijan in the ultimately unsuccessful qualifying campaign for Euro 2004.
Despite being badly hurt in the third round by a headkick, St-Pierre was able to take and hold down Condit repeatedly during the bout, while defending multiple submission attempts and delivering multiple strikes from Condit's active guard.
After showing improved glovework, and the failure of Ambrose to hold down a position in the side, Prior firstly returned to the One Day International side for their 4–0 series victory against South Africa in the summer of 2008.
To hold down this giant "wind kite" the architects utilized pile driving test weights (also rented).
To see Kid Niki, the player must hold down the A button on Controller 2, and then turn on the game.
Charles would later date Terry Davidson's half-sister, the equally nefarious Nancy Lawson (Nancy Mulvey) who also clashes with the Davidsons and uses her charms to lure wealthy men into relationships with her, but never appears to hold down a steady career.
A return to NZ saw him hold down a succession of jobs long enough to earn a fare to the UK.
Stokes then signed for Sunderland in a £2 million deal, but he struggled to hold down a place in the Sunderland first team.
Weapons are accessed by a "weapon wheel" inventory system that appears on the screen as players hold down a button.
Despite a promising start to his Ipswich career, he struggled to hold down a regular first-team spot.