थ्रैश करना Meaning in English
थ्रैश करना शब्द का अंग्रेजी अर्थ : thread
ऐसे ही कुछ और शब्द
धागाधागा निकालना
धागा भरना
धागे में गूँथना
सूई में तागा पिरोना
सूत्रित करना
सूत्रीकरण करना
थ्रेड बाम
धागा भरने को सूई
कपडे में छेद को धागे से भरना
धागा एक पौधे से बनाया गया
धागा सुई
जीवन का धागा
धागा कताई
थ्रैश-करना इसके अंग्रेजी अर्थ का उदाहरण
The weak bond between each atom is like a thread just waiting to break.
Therefore, any small amount of applied energy cuts this thread and releases the iodine and nitrogen atoms to react with the fuel, allowing the reaction to occur quickly and release a large amount of energy.
Plants are often trimmed to obtain the desired shape, and they can be positioned by tying them in place inconspicuously with thread.
UHF connector, a threaded RF coaxial connector.
The end of the barrel was threaded, and this thread was used to screw on a blast-reduction tube of a length that depended on the installation requirements:.
When the board was advertized in MDK, one of the largest VK communities, the 2ch thread discussing this fact was deleted by Abu, who received moderator's position in the community.
Some of them have undergone Russification, like semyon (influenced by a Russian proper name, from English "same person", a poster who pretends to be several different people in a discussion) or sazha (literally "soot", from sage, a Japanese term for replying into a thread without bumping it, pronounced as if it was an English word).
Threads about him are still thriving on /fag/ ("faggotry") board among the threads about Internet celebritites.
As ZUG's readership expanded, the site launched a threaded message board in 1998 called “GAB on ZUG” to allow readers to contribute additional humor content.
Still, many threads had coarse language or adult discussions, so ZUG Live required its users to be over 18 years of age before they were given posting privileges.
A common underlying thread of the Society’s research is the use of behavioral techniques to better understand mental functioning.
Hypholoma means "mushrooms with threads" because of the thread-like veil that connects the cap to the stem when young and for the bundles of rhizomorphs which radiate outwards from the stem base.