थेरोपॉड Meaning in English
थेरोपॉड शब्द का अंग्रेजी अर्थ : theropod
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थेरोपॉड हिंदी उपयोग और उदाहरण
भारत से जाना जाने वाला एक और डायनासोर राजासोरस नर्मदेंसिस है, जो एक भारी-भरकम और कठोर मांसाहारी एबेलिसॉरिड (थेरोपॉड) डायनासोर है, जो वर्तमान नर्मदा नदी के पास के इलाके में बसा हुआ था।
"" अफ्रीका में भी इस सुपर-महाद्वीप के अपेक्षाकृत यूनीफॉर्म जंतु-जगत ही थे, जिनमं् थेरोपॉड्स, प्रोसॉरोपॉड्स एवं प्राचीन ऑर्निथिस्शियंस की बहुतायत थी।
थेरोपॉड इसके अंग्रेजी अर्थ का उदाहरण
Birds (avian theropods) .
Varrichio observes that during the late Campanian Alberta and Montana had very similar theropods despite significant differences in the types of herbivorous dinosaur faunas.
Adasaurus was first figured in 1977 by the Mongolian paleontologist Rinchen Barsbold on a pelvic comparison with other theropods, but it would remain as an informally named taxon until a proper description.
In 1983, Barsbold published a large comparative revision of the known Mongolian theropod taxa at the time where he formally named Adasaurus and the type species A.
Although its name is linked to one of the main divisions of theropods (Coelurosauria), it has historically been poorly understood, and sometimes confused with its better-known contemporary Ornitholestes.
The three best-known small theropods of the Morrison Formation — Coelurus, Ornitholestes, and Tanycolagreus — were generalized coelurosaurs, and they have been mistaken for each other at various times.
Before the use of phylogenetic analyses, Coeluridae and Coelurosauria were taxonomic wastebaskets used for small theropods that did not belong to other groups; thus, they accumulated many dubious genera.
Coelurus would prove to be the first named small theropod from the Morrison Formation, although at the time Marsh was not certain that it was a dinosaur.
gracilis, based on unknown remains only represented today by a single claw bone pertaining to a small theropod from the Early Cretaceous Arundel Formation of Maryland.
In 1903, Henry Fairfield Osborn named a second genus of small theropod from the Morrison Formation, Ornitholestes.
Ornitholestes became intertwined with Coelurus in 1920, when Charles Gilmore, in his influential study of theropod dinosaurs, concluded that the two were synonyms.
fragilis was actually a composite of two vertebrae, one of which was later shown to come from another quarry and belonged not to Coelurus but to another, unnamed small theropod.
This unnamed genus would not be the last small theropod from the Morrison Formation to be confused with Coelurus; a later discovery (1995) of a partial skeleton in Wyoming was first thought to be a new larger specimen of Coelurus, but further study showed it belonged to a different but related genus, Tanycolagreus.