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त्वरा से Meaning in English

त्वरा से शब्द का अंग्रेजी अर्थ : quickly

त्वरा-से इसके अंग्रेजी अर्थ का उदाहरण

The hospital filled quickly and more beds were needed, so the building was enlarged by the addition of wings on either end.

There are several theories to the origins of this name, one being that the men were literally nicknamed "camp oven-bearers", due to the amount of armour they wore causing them to heat up very quickly in battle, or that the name is derived from Persian word griwbanwar or griva-pana-bara meaning "neck-guard wearer".

Therefore, any small amount of applied energy cuts this thread and releases the iodine and nitrogen atoms to react with the fuel, allowing the reaction to occur quickly and release a large amount of energy.

Combat operations in Southwest Asia were quickly followed by Operation Sea Angel in Bangladesh in May–June 1991.

It quickly becomes obvious if the publication is relying heavily on a single author or single publication.

The Wild West was quickly transformed from a lawless, agrarian frontier to what would become an urbanized, industrialized economic and political powerhouse.

you must first of all show them that they can get there quickly, comfortably and, above all, cheaply.

The association was established in 1868 in Hong Kong by merchants from various dialect groups and its influence quickly expanded.

Although she broke up with David relatively quickly, she seriously dated Scott, her crush in high school, for numerous strips; they had a long-distance relationship for a while after Scott was promoted and moved to London but broke up amicably in 2007.

His position as royal painter was renewed in 1731; at that same time, however when the building of Christiansborg had begun, the preferred artistic style was quickly changing from Krock’s baroque to the new rococo-style.

Tunney quickly scheduled a Gardens show directly against it.

They tried to parlay that visibility into running a big-venue show at the CNE Coliseum, but once again Tunney moved quickly to book a Gardens show on the same day.

There were many cracks and fissures in the limestone rock, so that rainwater seeps very quickly, and so the Alb is quite low in water.

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