त्रासदीकारक Meaning in English
त्रासदीकारक शब्द का अंग्रेजी अर्थ : tragic
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दुखान्तदुःखान्त नाटक
दुखान्त नाटक
करुण गीत
दुःखद ढंग से
दुःखद रूप से
ट्रेल बाइक
ट्रेलर शिविर
ट्रेलर पार्क
ट्रेलर ट्रक
त्रासदीकारक इसके अंग्रेजी अर्थ का उदाहरण
The event also highlighted Africare's leading work meeting the needs of children in Africa who have lost one parent or both parents due to HIV/AIDS or through other tragic circumstances.
Nakajima grows more and more obsessed with the idea of escaping Japan, eventually resulting in a tragic decision, once he is convinced it is the only way to save his loved ones.
“Tonight we lost an employee in a tragic incident at our Peabody restaurant.
Caccia tragica, by Giuseppe De Santis (1947).
Such anthropocentrism is identified in the tragic conception of a hero whose moral struggles are more important than mere biological survival, whereas the science of animal ethology, Meeker asserts, shows that a "comic mode" of muddling through and "making love not war" has superior ecological value.
Changes in government in the late 20th century made people more willing to acknowledge this tragic history.
Two tragic events affected Sandman's life and would later influence his music: he was robbed and stabbed in the chest during a robbery in his cab, and his two brothers died.
Literary scholars view the tragic events in Noon Wine as an allusion to the Greek structure of dramatic tragedy, in which a hero suffers a terrible fate caused by his/her own self [needs citation].
In 2005, the Giller jury committee, describing Luck, wrote that "Joan Barfoot is at the peak of her powers with this splendidly realized tragicomedy about a household in the wake of an unexpected death.
Jane, longing to look younger and thinner, opts for liposuction, with near tragic results.
Shakespeare's Elizabethan tragedies (including the history plays with tragic designs, such as Richard II) demonstrate his relative independence from classical models.
At the end of the decade, he seems to have attempted to capitalise on the new fashion for tragicomedy, even collaborating with John Fletcher, the writer who had popularised the genre in England.
This change is related to the success of tragicomedies such as Philaster, although the uncertainty of dates makes the nature and direction of the influence unclear.