तिरने की क्रिया Meaning in English
तिरने की क्रिया शब्द का अंग्रेजी अर्थ : slanting
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थप्पड़ मारा
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तिरने-की-क्रिया इसके अंग्रेजी अर्थ का उदाहरण
Although wounded by one of the explosions after the attack, Chaplain O'Callahan moved about the exposed and slanting flight deck, administering the last rites to the dying, comforting the wounded, and leading officers and crewmen into the flames to carry hot bombs and shells to the edge of the deck for jettisoning.
Like many geometric sans-serifs, Century Gothic's design has a single-story "a" and "g", and an "M" with slanting sides resembling an upturned "W".
Males are larger and have three-tined antlers, widely spaced and slanting upward, which are shed in the autumn or early winter and begin to regrow shortly thereafter.
D’Oro, Ausonia and Esperia were seized in one of the most brilliant and daring advances of the war in Italy, and by May 16 the French Expeditionary Corps had thrust forward some ten miles on their left flank to Mount Revole, with the remainder of their front slanting back somewhat to keep contact with the British 8th Army.
The butterfly sleeps on slanting outstretched branches or twigs of trees or bushes.
For example, in a tonality diamond, such as Harry Partch's 11-limit diamond, each ratio of a right slanting row shares a numerator and each ratio of a left slanting row shares an denominator.
The long, slanting rays of the sun illuminated my white shirt.
There is a lift and also travelators (a cross between a slanting moving walkway and an escalator) within the centre of Toowong Village.
The attacking fleet had then to advance, not directly before the wind with its ships moving along lines perpendicular to the line attacked, but in slanting or curving lines.
According to Microsoft, Meiryo uses a customized version of Verdana for italics instead of the generic slanting method.
The theater is in a very perfect state; all the seats are remaining, with the slanting sides towards the proscenium, as well as several of its doorways.
(7) Crossed lines, diagonal or slanting relations, and angle formations are a later level of maturation, usually occurring at about 6 to 8 years of age".
The stream was formerly known as the Kuyahoora River, from the Native American term Kuy-a-ho-ra, meaning "slanting waters", or "leaping waters".