तिपुला Meaning in English
तिपुला शब्द का अंग्रेजी अर्थ : tipula
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परवाओं से थकाया हुआ
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युद्ध से थके हुए
याट्रा से थका हुआ
तिपुला इसके अंग्रेजी अर्थ का उदाहरण
For insurance policies for property insurance, a contractual stipulation that the lost asset must be actually repaired or replaced before the replacement cost can be paid is common.
Modifying a stipulation of the Royal Rumble match's outcome, both men would be granted separate matches vs.
The ideal model stipulates ten rules that apply to an argumentative discussion.
Hegemonic stability theory stipulates that .
The balance of power theory, by contrast, stipulates that as long as the international system remains in balance (without unipolar power), peace is maintained.
Republic Act 7306 stipulates that the government shall not appropriate funds for the operations of the Network .
Frascati Manual, a document stipulating the methodology for collecting and using statistics about research and development.
His 3-year contract with Borussia Düsseldorf began on July 1, 2007, with stipulations allowing him to miss certain Bundesliga matches in order to focus on international tournaments.
While the Prison Law Enforcement Regulation stipulates that the maximum time prisoners may be held in single cells is 6 months, activists claim that wardens continued to have broad leeway in enforcing punishments selectively, including "minor solitary confinement", which may be imposed for a minimum of 1 and not more than 60 days.
The government added the stipulation that prisoners must serve at least one third of their sentence in Japan before petitions will be considered.
The previous refugee recognition law stipulated that those seeking refugee status had to apply within 60 days upon arriving in Japan or within 60 days of learning that they were likely to be persecuted in their home country.
The law also covers common-law marriages and divorced individuals; it also encourages prefectures to expand shelter facilities for domestic abuse victims and stipulates that local governments offer financial assistance to 40 private institutions already operating such shelters.
To replace the ad hoc system in place under the transitional government, the constitution of 2004 stipulated that the Supreme Court include nine justices appointed by the president, with approval of the Wolesa Jirga, for 10-year terms.