तार्किक निहितार्थ Meaning in English
तार्किक निहितार्थ शब्द का अंग्रेजी अर्थ : logical implication
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तार्किक संचालनतार्किक सकारात्मकता
तार्किक प्रमाण
तार्किक मात्रात्मक
तार्किक सोच
तर्क की दृष्टि से
तर्क से
तर्क से पता लगाना
रसद से
रसद देना
रसद भरना
संभार तंत्र
तार्किक-निहितार्थ इसके अंग्रेजी अर्थ का उदाहरण
On the Atonement of Christ, he occasionally uses the language of Penal Substitution but ultimately denies nearly all of the theological implications that Protestants derive from it.
The dermal bones are also argued to be involved in ecophysiological implications such as the heat transfers between the body and the surrounding environment when basking (evidenced in crocodilians) as well as in bone respiratory acidosis buffering during prolonged apnea (evidenced in both crocodilians and turtles).
Daniel Polz also rejected Ryholt's arguments that the praise which a certain king Sobekemsaf lavished onto a king's son named Antefmose or Intefmose on statuette BM EA 13329 has any chronological implications regarding the temporal position of this king after the Intef kings.
Steele was inspired by African-American social psychologist Kenneth Clark’s TV appearance discussing the psychological implications of the 1964 race riots in Harlem, New York City, which led to doing behavioral research.
According to modern American libertarian Walter Block, left-libertarians and right-libertarians agree with certain libertarian premises, but "where [they] differ is in terms of the logical implications of these founding axioms".
Researchers were able to identify the correspondence between genetic variation and ecological niche function in the genus Agrobacterium and their greater biological implication on species distinction and diversity in the ecosystem.
In terms of psychopathological implications and applications, college students showing depressive symptoms were better at retrieving seemingly "nonrelevant" contextual information from a source monitoring paradigm task.
2020 Pierre Sikivie: "For seminal work recognizing the potential visibility of the invisible axion, devising novel methods to detect it, and for theoretical investigations of its cosmological implications.
Among Christian's works is the commentary Expositio in Matthaeum Evangelistam ("Commentary on the Gospel of Matthew"), in which he discussed (among other things) the eschatological implications of portions of that Gospel.
A few scholars, like the Czech medievalist František Graus, attempted to raise questions about the ideological implications of their methods and theories, as well as the tenability of some of their historical interpretations, but failed to effectively displace them from their position in the academy.
" This achievement of perfection is believed to have major eschatological implications, by finally settling major questions in the Great Controversy about the character of God and His law.
The two series differ principally in their use of tense to describe the temporal relation between events and the resulting ontological implications regarding time.