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ताकि नहीं Meaning in English

ताकि नहीं शब्द का अंग्रेजी अर्थ : so that no

ताकि-नहीं इसके अंग्रेजी अर्थ का उदाहरण

As an adaptor to the existing gun it could be removed so that normal rounds could be fired.

The domain name was still owned by Vikentiy so that nobody would claim it.

Neither their camera nor Watanabe's ice-ax, to which pennants would have been attached had they reached the summit, survived the crash so that no conclusive evidence could be found that they had reached the summit.

Cadbury's report advocated a clear division of responsibilities at the head of a company so that no one individual had too much power.

From the advice of George and Harold, he legally changes his name so that no one will make fun of it anymore.

(Choose N and δ large enough so that no player has incentive to deviate from phase 1.

By using the 'water images' for MRA scans, virtually no body fat is seen so that no subtraction masks are needed for high quality MR venograms.

He carried out excavations carefully, so that none of the antiquities were damaged.

Next, one must know how to approach the study of Kabbalah correctly, so that no time is lost.

Covert listening devices have been widely installed so that no one can be sure that their conversation is not being listened to, recorded, transcribed, and archived for future use.

All landscaping is designed so that no earth is transported off-site with the stripped top soil now present in mounds dotted around the village.

The Weyrs followed a rotational hatching cycle, so that no two Weyrs were actively searching for candidates at the same time.

While later genealogies make Túathal the son of Cormac Cáech, son of Coirpre, son of Niall of the Nine Hostages, this is at odds with the account of the 7th century life of Saint Patrick by Tírechán, which claims that Patrick cursed Coirpre and his descendants so that none would ever be king of Tara.

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