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डूब रहा Meaning in English

डूब रहा शब्द का अंग्रेजी अर्थ : sinking

डूब-रहा हिंदी उपयोग और उदाहरण

""उसने कहा - 'वो भागकर नदी में गिर गया था और डूब रहा था।

घर के भीतर, सिरैक्यूज के एंटिफॉलस को लगता है कि वह अपनी 'पत्नी' की बहन लुसियाना की तरफ काफी आकर्षित हो रहा है, वह उसे कहता है $हे प्यारी जलपरी अपने ध्यान से मुझे मत रिझा/मैं तो तेरी बहन के आंसुओं में डूब रहा हूं.$ वह उसकी बातें सुनकर खुश है, लेकिन उनके नैतिक प्रभाव के बारे में चिंतित हैं।

उदाहरण के लिए 'गहरे भूरे, काले, लाल भूरे, सफ़ेद रंगों वाले ये सभी आर्यन एक हैं, यानि की पांचवी मूल जाति, जो एक प्रजनक से पैदा हुई, कहा जाता है की ये 18,000,000 सौ साल पहले रहा करती थी, (...) 850,000 साल पहले जब अटलांटिस का अंतिम अवशेष डूब रहा था तब भी इस जाति का वजूद कायम था।

डूब-रहा इसके अंग्रेजी अर्थ का उदाहरण

During the battle, Yoshino assisted in sinking the Beiyang Fleet cruisers and and severely damaging .

He gained infamy by his actions in sinking a German vessel whilst serving as a POW stevedore in Tobruk harbour, for which he was awarded the Military Medal.

Should a cargo hatch failure in a storm, the ship is at risk of sinking, such that has happen on bulk carrier hatches.

Bing Crosby has a short cameo in the film, playing golf, sinking a long putt.

The exact cause of Dakar's sinking remains unknown.

The ferry had been heading to Madagascar from the Comoros Islands at the time of its sinking.

However, unable to break the circle of fire formed by the six enemy ships, including Defiance, Tonnant and Dreadnought, and in order to prevent the ship from sinking with all the wounded trapped below, the last officer left alive in San Juan Nepomuceno yielded with over 400 dead and injured on board.

The sinking caused a diplomatic incident between Japan and Great Britain, but it was recognized by British jurists as being in conformity with international law of the time.

Later in the First Sino-Japanese War, Naniwa was in combat during the critical Battle of the Yalu River, where as part of Admiral Itō Sukeyuki's "flying squadron" including , and , she assisted in sinking the Imperial Beiyang Fleet cruisers and .

During the Battle off Ulsan, Naniwa assisted in the sinking of the Russian cruiser , and in the rescue of her survivors.

The hull is divided into 26 watertight compartments as protection against sinking should it be holed.

The British charges submitted to the United Nations War Crimes Commission claimed "at least one clear case of mass murder and several equally clear cases of the sinking of vessels whose crew were on the vessels when they were fired on, and were not picked up subsequently when on boats, rafts and in the water.

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