डाक में काम करनेवाला मज़दूर Meaning in English
डाक में काम करनेवाला मज़दूर शब्द का अंग्रेजी अर्थ : postal worker
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डाक-में-काम-करनेवाला-मज़दूर इसके अंग्रेजी अर्थ का उदाहरण
After being demobilized, Stramm returned to working at the Post Office and was granted a coveted position as a postal worker on luxury ocean liners making the Bremen-Hamburg-New York run.
In 1963, a retired postal worker named Albert Krumnow told police that around 8 May 1945 the Soviets had ordered him and his colleagues to bury two bodies found near the railway bridge near Lehrter station.
It stated that RPO cars on 162 passenger trains in the nation would be phased out of service by the end of the year, affecting 2,224 postal workers.
Her parents were postal workers.
Ortolani's father, a postal worker, gave his son a violin at age 4.
Additionally, a postal worker and friend of the Rios testified they had seen a "beige-looking, maybe white" car in front of the house.
Thomas' defence claimed that although the postal worker said that he saw two men at the Rios' home on the day of the murders, it was only under hypnosis that he identified Thomas as one of those men.
postal workers, tubeworkers, Visteon workers, council bin workers) and campaigns against council cuts, health cuts, the loss of local community facilities (e.
Fictional British postal workers.
30 January – postal workers enter a 20-day wildcat strike disrupting most of Belfast's delivery service.
In 1903, he was one of many in opposition to the employment of African-American postal workers.
Hall had been convicted of murdering a Duarte postal worker, but received inadequate representation.
Their father Howard, a postal worker, helped her apply for her first library card at age 7.