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ट्रायल अटॉर्नी Meaning in English

ट्रायल अटॉर्नी शब्द का अंग्रेजी अर्थ : trial attorney

ट्रायल-अटॉर्नी इसके अंग्रेजी अर्थ का उदाहरण

He was opposed in the Democratic primary by Merrilee Ehrlich, a trial attorney, who announced her campaign on the premise of providing Democratic primary voters "an option and a viable one.

Anne Bremner, trial attorney and legal commentator.

Ron Meyers, trial attorney and former Speaker Pro Tempore of the Washington House of Representatives.

From 1979"ndash;1981, he was a trial attorney in the Office of the Public Defender.

Tanenbaum is an American trial attorney, novelist, and former mayor of Beverly Hills, California.

In 1879, Sullivan was admitted to the Bar, became known as a skilled trial attorney, and in 1889 joined his brother in the firm of Sullivan " Sullivan.

Harry Huge (Nebraska Wesleyan University 1956), internationally known trial attorney.

(born December 28, 1930 in New York City) is a trial attorney and a partner with the law firm of Davis Polk " Wardwell in New York City.

Marsha Kazarosian, trial attorney (graduated 1974).

For many years Malarkey extensively traveled with his friend Vance Day, who is a circuit court judge in Oregon and a former trial attorney and chairman for the Oregon Republican Party.

Another prominent figure who frequented Shor's restaurant was famed trial attorney Edward Bennett Williams.

Finstad received the Frank Wardlaw Prize in 1984 for literary excellence for her first book, Heir Not Apparent (1984), drawn from her experiences as a young law clerk and trial attorney investigating claims to the billion-dollar estate of industrialist, aviator and filmmaker Howard Hughes, who appeared to have died without a valid will.

Treasury Department, Internal Revenue Service, between 1965 and 1984, beginning as a trial attorney for the service in Boston, Massachusetts and working for various stints in Atlanta, Nashville, and Washington, D.

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