ट्रांसलोकेशन Meaning in English
ट्रांसलोकेशन शब्द का अंग्रेजी अर्थ : translocation
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ट्रांसमिशन चैनल
संचरण चैनल
ट्रांसमिशन लाइन
प्रेषण लाइन
संचरण लाइन
ट्रांसमिशन सिस्टम
ट्रांसलोकेशन हिंदी उपयोग और उदाहरण
ये त्रुटियां डीएनए (DNA) क्रम में बड़े संरचनात्मक बदलाव उत्पन्न करती हैं—संपूर्ण क्षेत्र का दोहराव, उत्क्रमण या विलोपन, अथवा विभिन्न गुण-सूत्रों के बीच पूरे भागों की गलती से अदला-बदली हो जाना (जिसे ट्रांसलोकेशन कहा जाता है).।
यह पाया गया कि ट्रांसलोकेशन एलोनगेशन फैक्टर 2(eEF2) को लक्षित करने के लिए जीटीपी-निर्भर राइबोसोम एवं आरएनए के स्थानान्तरण के लिए प्रोटीन संश्लेषण आवश्यक है।
स्थानीकरण (ट्रांसलोकेशन) तब होता है जब दो अलग अलग गुणसूत्री क्षेत्र असामान्य रूप से, एक विशिष्ट स्थान पर संगलित हो जाते हैं।
""स्थानीकरण (ट्रांसलोकेशन) तब होता है जब दो अलग अलग गुणसूत्री क्षेत्र असामान्य रूप से, एक विशिष्ट स्थान पर संगलित हो जाते हैं।
ट्रांसलोकेशन इसके अंग्रेजी अर्थ का उदाहरण
The activated GR complex up-regulates the expression of anti-inflammatory proteins in the nucleus or represses the expression of pro-inflammatory proteins in the cytosol (by preventing the translocation of other transcription factors from the cytosol into the nucleus).
Yet, since both HePTP and Erk are cytosolic enzymes, it is reasonable to conclude that there exists a mechanism for the inhibition of Erk by HePTP to cease in order to allow for the translocation of activated Erk to the nucleus.
In 2005, medical researchers observed a de novo translocation on 13q in a patient with TS which broke the patient's chromosome near the SLITRK1 genome.
In one of the previously mentioned studies the mother of the child who had a de novo translocation on 13q had trichotillomania; this would suggest that there could be a genetic link between SLITRK1 and trichotillomania as well.
a translocation between position 32 on the long (i.
This translocation juxtaposes the B-cell lymphoma 2 (BCL2) gene on chromosome 18 at position q21.
1 in 100,000) of circulating nucleated blood cells bearing this t(14:18)q32:q21) translocation are found in 50-67% of otherwise healthy individuals.
Since most individuals with this translocation in their blood cells do not develop ISFL, the t(14:18)(q32:q21) translocation, while prolonging cell survival, must be just one step in the development of ISFN.
This translocation is proposed to occur during the early development of immature bone marrow B-cells (i.
This progression likely involves the acquisition of genomic aberrations besides the t(14:18)q32:q21) translocation in the ISFL B-cells.
3) translocation (85-90% of cases); 2) 1p36 deletions (i.
3) translocation and EZH2 mutations which lead to gains in the expression and function, respectively, of their products, the genetic alterations generally lead to a loss in the production or function of the cited genes products.
Similarly, individuals with >1 in 10,000 circulating lymphocytes containing the t(14:18)q32:q21) translocation are at increased but still small risk of developing FL and being diagnoses as having FL on follow up examinations.