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ट्रांसफ्यूजन Meaning in English

ट्रांसफ्यूजन शब्द का अंग्रेजी अर्थ : transfusion

ट्रांसफ्यूजन हिंदी उपयोग और उदाहरण

२. एक्सचेंज ट्रांसफ्यूशन: फोटोथेरेपी के साथ बहुत अधिक जिस स्तर पर एक्सचेंज ट्रांसफ्यूजन होना चाहिए, वह स्वास्थ्य की स्थिति और नवजात शिशु की आयु पर निर्भर करता है।

मोल्लिसन पी एल, एन्गाल्फ्रीत और कोंट्रेरस एम 'ब्लड ट्रांसफ्यूजन इन क्लिनिकल मेडीसिन.'1997. 10 वां संस्करण.ब्लैकवेल विज्ञान, ऑक्सफोर्ड, ब्रिटेन. आईएसबीएन 0-86542-881-6।

चित्र जोड़ें रक्तदान तब होता है जब एक स्वस्थ व्यक्ति स्वेच्छा से अपना रक्त देता है और रक्त-आधान (ट्रांसफ्यूजन) के लिए उसका उपयोग होता है या फ्रैकशेनेशन नामक प्रक्रिया के जरिये दवा बनायी जाती है।

ऐसे में कई बार बिम्बाणुआधान (प्लेटलेट्स ट्रांसफ्यूजन) की भी जरूरत पड़ती है।

राष्ट्रीय एड्स नियंत्रण संगठन (नाको) ने चंडीगढ़ को ब्लड ट्रांसफ्यूजन सेवाओं के लिए सर्वश्रेष्ठ बताया है।

ट्रांसफ्यूजन मेडिसन विभाग।

""ट्रांसफ्यूजन मेडिसन विभाग।

ट्रांसफ्यूजन इसके अंग्रेजी अर्थ का उदाहरण

The team can perform advanced life-saving medical interventions, including open heart surgery, blood transfusion and anaesthesia, at the scene.

London's Air Ambulance carries a senior doctor in addition to a paramedic at all times, providing a 24/7 advanced trauma care outside of hospital, provide general anaesthetics on scene, and carry blood on board and administer blood transfusion on the roadside.

From 6 March 2012, the helicopter became the UK's first air ambulance to carry emergency blood supplies, allowing transfusions to be administered at the scene of an accident rather than later in hospital.

Albums with cover art by Travis Smith (artist) Cross-matching or crossmatching is a test performed before a blood transfusion as part of blood compatibility testing.

Along with blood typing of the donor and recipient and screening for unexpected blood group antibodies, cross-matching is one of a series of steps in pre-transfusion testing.

It is thought that this lifesaving measure is of more benefit than any risk of an antibody-mediated transfusion reaction.

This type of blood has less risk of a serious transfusion reaction because it is both ABO compatible and Rhesus (Rh)-compatible.

According to his daughter Adela, in the hospital he received a blood transfusion that was infected with malaria.

DEHP is the most common phthalate plasticizer in medical devices such as intravenous tubing and bags, IV catheters, nasogastric tubes, dialysis bags and tubing, blood bags and transfusion tubing, and air tubes.

Later, a guard Eugene Rivera is blinded and needs a blood transfusion, and Ryan is the only person among both the inmates and officers with the same blood type.

However, he has lost so much blood that a transfusion is badly needed, and to complicate matters, Franklin says there is no species of ape or other animal whose blood type matches Kong's.

The transfusion and the heart transplant are a success, but Kong escapes along with Lady Kong.

A girl died during a blood transfusion, a boy died of dysentery at four months and another died, aged six, in a riding accident.

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