टियर्ड Meaning in English
टियर्ड शब्द का अंग्रेजी अर्थ : tiered
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टियर्ड इसके अंग्रेजी अर्थ का उदाहरण
When it opened the infirmary provided 672 beds in 24 wards in four awe-inspiring symmetrical blocks with tiered covered walkways and two massive towers.
The "Tournament" and "League" modes allow one or two players to pick among nine teams and participate in a tiered schedule of games.
0 billion in up-front, regulatory and sales milestone commitments as well as tiered marginal royalties reaching double digits on potential future product sales.
Started in 1971, the PAYM caters to youths aged 12 to 35 years old It is a two-tiered organisation, comprising 101 Youth Clubs based in the Community Clubs and the Central Youth Council.
The auditorium was designed for use by the county fair with a combination of flat-floor exhibition space and tiered seating spaces, using a compromise plan devised by Wesley Peters, George Izenour, and Aaron Green.
It had a diving pool measuring square and deep with a two-tiered diving tower.
The new simplified fare structure included the removal of the Express fare level, pared down the rail fare zones from 4 to 3, and consolidated the tiered SkyRide fares into a single Airport Fare.
Also, the use of differential interest rates on tiered reserves to support commercial banks' profitability in the face of negative interest rates, opens up another source of helicopter drop – albeit intermediated by banks.
The European Central Bank can, in fact, mandate an increase in its capital, and the introduction of tiered reserves and interest on reserves gives central banks an array of tools to protect their own net income and the demand for reserves.
As of 2016, the tiered employee contribution rates start at a 5% rate, increasing in 7 steps to 14.
The central settlement, also called The Town and The Mountain, has a three-tiered structure: the Town itself (Abode of Dawn), the Heavenly Abode, and the Temple Peak.
The FCC decided to eliminate the two separate limits on ownership of different media outlets in local markets, and replace them with one multi-tiered rule.
The player can move in any direction, and the stages are multi-tiered.