झुग्गियां Meaning in English
झुग्गियां शब्द का अंग्रेजी अर्थ : slums
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झुग्गियां हिंदी उपयोग और उदाहरण
""16 अप्रैल- मध्य दिल्ली के निजामुद्दीन में एलीवेटेड मार्ग के निर्माण के लिए 150 से अधिक झुग्गियां हटा दी गईं।
नगर में कुल ३०,८८८ झुग्गियां हैं, जिनमें १,४४,९०५ लोग रहते हैं, और ये नगर की कुल जनसंख्या का १६.३३% हैं।
नगर में कुल ६,०९६ झुग्गियां हैं, जिनमें ३३,५५० लोग रहते हैं, और ये नगर की कुल जनसंख्या का २७.५९% हैं।
झुग्गियां इसके अंग्रेजी अर्थ का उदाहरण
A May 5, 1976 edition of the Kimberley newspaper "The Diamond Fields Advertiser" reported that “slums” in the township were a problem with at least 9 or 10 people living in a four-roomed house.
The appalling slums, dire poverty and hazardous dereliction have now been wiped away, and only a few scattered pockets remain to be demolished.
Since 2014, the Capital Development Authority (CDA), a public benefit corporation responsible for providing municipal services in Islamabad, has been targeting and demolishing illegal slums who are largely occupied by Christians in the city.
The CDA's replied that "Most of these katchi abadies [slums] are under the occupation of the Christian community.
On location in the slums of Kibera and Loiyangalani, the situation of the inhabitants affected the crew so much it was decided to set up the Trust in order to give thanks to the community for their help during filming.
On Christmas Day 1878, a fire broke out and destroyed a large area of the slums along Queen's Road.
However, after McCune died, her husband Machar did not agree with Emmanuel staying with him, and he was forced to live in the slums (maybe before he came to Kileleshwa).
But even that came with hardships as he lived for years in the slums.
The Boy, The Girl and The Child escape from the desolate docks to the slums of an unnamed metropolis.
David's development takes place between fear of his father's potential violence and the degradation of life in the streets of the tenement slums.
By the middle of the 20th century, however, much of the historic downtown had degraded into slums and residents began moving further east into the growing suburbs burgeoning along the American River.
Through Assembly resolution 65/1, Member States committed themselves to continue working towards cities without slums, beyond current targets, by reducing slum populations and improving the lives of slum-dwellers.
Whilst Adelaide was to be a city of fine buildings and a refined populace, set free from the constraints of convict influence, George Muller's Stepney was to bear a strong resemblance to its less refined namesake, replete with slums,near the City of London.