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झलक Meaning in English

झलक शब्द का अंग्रेजी अर्थ : glimpse
, gleam

झलक इसके अंग्रेजी अर्थ का उदाहरण

The program began each week with an introduction: "Surging with the power of the atom, gleaming like great silver bullets, the mighty Rocket Ranger space ships stand by for blast-off.

Lacey played a number of villainous roles and was known for his trademark smile, which would turn into a gleaming malicious leer.

NME Dave Haslam wrote that it was a "cleanly delivered debut LP, gleaming with creativity and confidence.

The finest of his 78s, dating from 1927 to circa 1940, display the gleaming tone of his voice at its superlative best, as well as demonstrating his spotless taste, stylish phrasing and pellucid diction.

and who engendered the gleaming, lofty waters.

Then, it features Minogue on top of the T"G (now KPMG) Building on Melbourne's Collins Street, where it featured her with "black boat-neck dress, white teeth gleaming, hair a perfect honey blonde and skin as gold as the coins that were piling in".

Blessed with a strong, agile, youthful and gleaming voice, and with an extraordinary talent for acting, she embodied Wieland's ideals.

"The Persians opposed us serried bands of mail-clad horsemen in such close order that the gleam of moving bodies covered with closely fitting plates of iron dazzled the eyes of those who looked upon them, while the whole throng of horses was protected by coverings of leather.

He becomes Taurus the Bull (Taurus performed by John Wilson), donning a gleaming black outfit.

The personification of everything (there were no neuters to the Hebrews, nor any merely secular objects), gleams through a literal translation -- for all things and all men were perceived in relation to God Almighty.

The southernmost major peaks of the Garibaldi Ranges are in Golden Ears Provincial Park just north of Haney (downtown Maple Ridge), whose cluster of sugarloafs resemble a donkey's ears and, on the day of naming, were gleaming in the sunset; the highest of these is Golden Ears at 1716"nbsp;m (5630"nbsp;ft).

झलक हिंदी उपयोग और उदाहरण

उनकी कहानियों में हमें मिलता है, ‘‘झलक-झलक शुभ्र विस्मय’’, ‘‘मृत्यु हिम स्तब्धता का आवरण’’, ‘‘तिमिर व क्रन्दन से बिषर्ण्ण पृथ्वी’’, ‘‘भालू-भालू अँधेरा’’, ‘‘अधमरा चाँद’’, ‘‘झोंका-झोंका ठण्ठी हवा’’ इत्यादि।

झलक दिखला जा रीलोडेड; इसे पहले भी होस्ट रह चुके मनीष पॉल द्वारा होस्ट किया गया है।

समाचार में लिखने वाले के विचार अथवा उसके व्यक्तित्व की झलक नहीं होती जबकि फीचर में लेखक की विचारधारा, उसकी कल्पनाशीलता के साथ-साथ उसके व्यक्तित्व की भी झलक मिलती है।

कर्म, संप्रदान, अपादान और अधिकरण में प्राय: संबंध के मूल रूप में ही परसर्ग जोड़कर काम निकाला जाता है; यद्यपि नपुंसक के अधिकरण (एफ.) में प्राचीन रूपों की झलक भी मिलती है।

लोहे और कोयले की खानों का विशेष महत्व प्रकट हुआ और वस्त्रों के उत्पादन में मशीनों का काम स्पष्ट झलक उठा।

जिसकी झलक इनके सामाजिक आचरण और कोमल भाषा में साफ झलकती है।

मुंबई शहर की इमारतों में झलक्ता स्थापत्य, गोथिक स्थापत्य, इंडो रेनेनिक, आर्ट डेको और अन्य समकालीन स्थापत्य शैलियों का संगम है।

खम्मुरब्बी के अधिकांश कानून सुमेरी कानूनों पर आधारित हैं और उनमें पारिवारिक अपराधों के लिए कठोर दंड के मूल में सामी प्रभाव झलकता है।

"" दिल्ली की अत्यधिक मिश्रित जनसंख्या के कारण भारत के विभिन्न भागों के खानपान की झलक मिलती है, जैसे राजस्थानी, महाराष्ट्रियन, बंगाली, हैदराबादी खाना और दक्षिण भारतीय खाने के आइटम जैसे इडली, सांभर, दोसा इत्यादि बहुतायत में मिल जाते हैं।

झलकारी ने यहाँ अन्य महिलाओं के साथ बंदूक चलाना, तोप चलाना और तलवारबाजी की प्रशिक्षण लिया।

तीन रिलायंस कंपनियों की उपस्थिति से निगमों के विभाजन का झलक मिलता है, वहीं भारती एयरटेल, जयप्रकाश एसोसियेट्स और स्टेरलाइट की पहुंच से नई निगमित हस्तियों का आगमन हुआ है और हाल के पिछले वर्षों की नामी कंपनियों जैसे बाम्बे डायिंग, सेंचुरी, हिन्दुस्तान मोटर्स, प्रीमियर आटोमोबाइल्स और ग्रेट इस्टर्न शिपिंग आदि को संवेदी सूचकांक से हटना पड़ा है।

"" रहीम ने काव्य में रामायण, महाभारत, पुराण तथा गीता जैसे ग्रंथों के कथानकों को उदाहरण के लिए चुना है और लौकिक जीवनव्यवहार पक्ष को उसके द्वारा समझाने का प्रयत्न किया है, जो भारतीय संस्कृति की वर झलक को पेश करता है।

शून्य श्याम-तनु जिससे उसका, नया रूप झलकाता है।

झलक इसके अंग्रेजी अर्थ का उदाहरण

The collection contains glimpses of the author's life and the culture of Burma, as well as fiction.

Fellow humor-comic stars Patsy Walker and Hedy Wolfe, among the sidewalk crowd outside, talk about wanting to catch a glimpse of celebrity Millie, whom they've heard is on the guest list.

She also has a limited precognitive ability which enables her to see brief glimpses of the future, but she cannot control it.

Before the 1980s, it was the only official channel for the Chinese public to have a glimpse of the outside world.

Some stock footage alleged to be the Polo Grounds in New York City was actually Comiskey Park in Chicago, as evidenced by a quick glimpse of an auxiliary scoreboard reading "Visitors" and "White Sox".

Some critics have noted that the doors offer a glimpse into the mind of Filarete, claiming that they show his “mind of medieval complexity crammed full of exciting but not quite assimilated classical learning”.

In August 1864 Otto met Eugen Langen who, being technically trained, glimpsed the potential of Otto's development, and one month after the meeting, founded the first engine factory in the world, NA Otto " Cie, in Cologne.

Roger Ebert gave the film a mediocre review, granting it two out of four stars, and saying: "True crime procedurals can have a certain fascination, but not when they're jumbled glimpses of what might or might not have happened involving a lot of empty people whose main claim to fame is that they're dead.

Certainly, there would have to be a good deal of dressing going on for this, especially in some cases, and how amidst it all we could be guarded against being upset by glimpses of one another at times before the toilettes were completed, it is not easy to see.

Although "I Know" was incomplete at the time, the judges were able to get a glimpse of what would later be dubbed , or Yui-speak, nonsensical English hummed to a tune during her songwriting process.

The 12 Days of 'Pickmas' and continues to release a new pick each day on social media for the following twelve days allowing fans to get a glimpse of the upcoming 2020 guitar pick range with varying themes.

We are also shown glimpses of the 19th century, where the Aboriginal people are largely regarded as uncivilised or savage.

Unlike all previous gun barrel openings, Craig swings both his arms as he walks, resulting in a partial glimpse of his gun before he turns to fire.

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