जाली बनाना Meaning in English
जाली बनाना शब्द का अंग्रेजी अर्थ : lattice
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जाली-बनाना इसके अंग्रेजी अर्थ का उदाहरण
A fast reactor core of the LWR type SCWR adopts tight fuel rod lattice as a high conversion LWR.
Inositol hexaphosphate facilitates the formation of the six-helix bundle and assembly of the immature HIV-1 Gag lattice.
Proteolytic cleavage then unmasks an alternative binding site, where IP6 interaction promotes the assembly of the mature capsid lattice.
The colossal double storied Durbar Hall has latticed windows above for the queens to view the proceedings below.
This formula creates a face centered cubic Bravais lattice, with a space group of Fd3m.
Within the oxygen sub-lattice of ceylonite, the Mg2+ ions occupy tetrahedral 4c symmetry positions, and the Al3+ ions occupy octahedral 8f site.
This definition reverts to the prior listed definition of geometric emittance in the case of a periodic accelerator lattice where the Twiss parameters can be defined.
Consisting of a lattice tower of pitch pine timbers, it was one of Germany's first short-wave broadcasting transmitters.
The central mast was wood-latticed with a weight of 10.
Bragg diffraction occurs on the atomic crystal lattice, conserves the wave energy and thus is called elastic scattering, where the wave numbers final and incident particles, k_f and k_i, respectively, are equal and just the direction changes by a reciprocal lattice vector G Q k_f - k_i with the relation to the lattice spacing G 2\pi / d .
Semiconductors In particle physics, the quenched approximation is an approximation often used in lattice gauge theory in which the quantum loops of fermions in Feynman diagrams are neglected.
This approximation is often forced upon the physicists because the calculation with the Grassmann numbers is computationally very difficult in lattice gauge theory.
If we would just consider conjugacy with respect to isometries, we would not allow for scaling, and in the case of a parallelogrammetic lattice, change of shape of the parallelogram.