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जल्द ही पर्याप्त Meaning in English

जल्द ही पर्याप्त शब्द का अंग्रेजी अर्थ : soon enough

जल्द-ही-पर्याप्त इसके अंग्रेजी अर्थ का उदाहरण

The inexperienced predator will try attacking it, but will learn soon enough to avoid this butterfly as the alkaloids in its body cause vomiting.

But soon enough, Vishal witnesses Swati brutally murdering the watchman of the apartment which no human could have done, and his skepticism is rudely challenged.

Haden wrote: "I insist on a rapid execution, which pays little attention to detail", and thought that ideally the plate should be drawn in a single day's work, and bitten in front of the subject, or at least soon enough after seeing it to retain a good visual memory.

Its sentimentality is muted by the thought that this moment of peace actually did take place, among men who were punished for it, and who mostly died soon enough afterward.

By the late summer/autumn of 1992, however, the company would begin new commercial operations of its own, running into competition with Merseytravel-contracted services, and soon enough, into direct competition with MTL itself on two of its routes.

They threatened this action if Chávez refused to pick a date that they considered soon enough.

However, soon enough, Yasuaki and Hanabi start to date.

Hold onto my shirt honey, soon enough you'll be able to hold on to me!".

She says that Theodore is already close to the animal state and will turn into a werewolf soon enough.

A brilliancy found for White one day is soon enough overturned by some new resource for Black.

Whereupon, Middendorf paid a personal call on many of the senators he had worked with while he was Treasurer of the Republican Party—and soon enough he had been nominated and confirmed as Secretary of the Navy, serving until the end of the Administration of President Gerald Ford.

Nicart found him to be so collaborative and fearless, having never refused any stunt, that soon enough he sensed that dela Cruz would become famous.

Martha laments that Jesus did not arrive soon enough to heal her brother ("if you had been here, my brother would not have died") and Jesus replies with the well-known statement, "I am the resurrection, and the life: he that believeth in me, though he were dead, yet shall he live: And whosoever liveth and believeth in me shall never die".

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