जलप्रवाह Meaning in English
जलप्रवाह शब्द का अंग्रेजी अर्थ : water flow
, flow of water
ऐसे ही कुछ और शब्द
प्रवाह पानी, हवा आदि काप्रवाही वाचाघात
प्रवाह ताँता
आवाह क्षेट्र
फूलों की टोकरी
पुष्प क्यारी
फूलों के बिस्तर
फूल चेरी
फूल केकड़ा
जलप्रवाह इसके अंग्रेजी अर्थ का उदाहरण
It has an overshot water wheel, powered by the flow of water from a millpond.
The council kindly asked their graphics department to design the new logo free of charge, the new design represents the flow of water from the adjacent river Almond.
Paddles, or wickets, valves to regulate flow of water into and out of canal lock chambers.
A feasibility study on providing a steady flow of water was conducted, but the expense was determined to be too great.
The PLC can also set the mould oscillation rate and the rate of mould powder feed, as well as the flow of water in the cooling sprays within the strand.
It was completed in 1896 with the dam walls being constructed from local stone, and its original purpose was primarily as a compensation reservoir to ensure a continuous flow of water to the River Loxley downstream.
During this time, the outlet gates, on the Washington Channel side, close to store incoming water and block the flow of water and sediment into the channel.
The "keyline" denominates a specific topographic feature related to the natural flow of water on the tract.
Prior to the damming of its tributaries, the Lady Burn and the Dean Burn, Bonaly Burn would have provided a more powerful flow of water for milling.
The flow of water in the river has been decreasing in recent years as the source glacier (Kali Kund glacier) has been retreating.
Bonaly Reservoir was one of the first to be constructed, and had two purposes – to supply fresh drinking water to the city and to ensure a constant flow of water in lower watercourses by acting as a compensation reservoir.
The narrative continues with Moses following the instructions to take Aaron's staff and to gather the Israelites, but instead of speaking to the rock, which Yahweh had stated would result in water flowing from it, Moses speaks to the crowd and strikes the rock, doing so twice, resulting in a strong flow of water.
Electric shower and tankless heaters also use an immersion heater (shielded or naked) that is turned on with the flow of water.
जलप्रवाह हिंदी उपयोग और उदाहरण
अनुसुइया नामक स्रोत से ग्रीष्मकालीन जलप्रवाह ८४९५० ली. प्रति मिनट है।
इसका जलप्रवाह एक लम्बी संकरी सुरंग से होता हुआ आगे जाकर एक जलकुंड में गिरता है जिसका निर्माण प्राचीन ईटों से हुआ है।
धरातल के जलप्रवाह का प्राय पूर्णतया लुप्त होना, निगिरछिद्रों, कुंड़ों, एवं सकुंड़ों (उवाला) की संख्या में अत्यधिक वृद्धि, भूमिगत कंदराओं का पूर्णविकास, आदि इस अवस्था के मुख्य लक्षण हैं।
विशालतम महासागर न होते हुए भी इसके अधीन विश्व का सबसे बड़ा जलप्रवाह क्षेत्र है।
जैसे- शब्द के शक्यार्थ जलप्रवाह का तीर के साथ संयोग संबंध।
इसका निचला जलप्रवाह 28 स्थलों पर विघटित होकर जलशक्ति उत्पादक स्थानों का सृजन करता है।
किशोरावस्था में जलप्रवाह धरातल से भूमिगत मार्गों में प्रविष्ट होता है।
जलप्रवाह दक्षिण-पूर्व की ओर है।
इस स्थल का नाम तुरतुरिया पडने का कारण यह है कि बलभद्री नाले का जलप्रवाह चट्टानो के माध्यम से होकर निकलता है तो उसमे से उठने वाले बुलबुलो के कारण तुरतुर की ध्वनि निकलती है।
झील के संबंध में डॉ॰ हरीसिंह गौर विश्वविद्यालय के जियॉलजिस्ट स्वर्गीय डॉ॰ डब्लू. डी. वेस्ट का मत था कि जब उपरिस्थ ट्रप के हट जाने के कारण विंध्य दृश्यांश (आउट क्राप) जो अंशत: झील को घेरे हुए हैं, अनावृत्त हो गए, तब इस झील का प्रादुर्भाव हुआ, क्योंकि अधिक प्रतिरोधी विंध्य क्वार्टजाइट दक्षिण से उत्तर की ओर के जलप्रवाह पर बांध का काम करता है।
"" अधिकांश भाग का जलप्रवाह भीतर की ओर है और नदियाँ या तो झीलों में गिरती हैं अथवा नमकीन निचले दलदलों में लुप्त हो जाती हैं।
""झील के संबंध में डॉ॰ हरीसिंह गौर विश्वविद्यालय के जियॉलजिस्ट स्वर्गीय डॉ॰ डब्लू. डी. वेस्ट का मत था कि जब उपरिस्थ ट्रप के हट जाने के कारण विंध्य दृश्यांश (आउट क्राप) जो अंशत: झील को घेरे हुए हैं, अनावृत्त हो गए, तब इस झील का प्रादुर्भाव हुआ, क्योंकि अधिक प्रतिरोधी विंध्य क्वार्टजाइट दक्षिण से उत्तर की ओर के जलप्रवाह पर बांध का काम करता है।
बाद में पश्चिम की ओर का जलप्रवाह रोकने के लिए एक छोटे से बांध का निर्माण भी किया गया।
जलप्रवाह इसके अंग्रेजी अर्थ का उदाहरण
Water is abstracted from the river at the Sihlsee, leading to decreased downstream water flows and a consequent reduction in water quality.
The process was helped with the erosion which was caused by the water flowing into the depressions.
In a LWR this can affect heat transfer and water flow, and the feedback can make the reactor power harder to predict and control.
loss of feedwater flow or large break loss-of-coolant accident) resulting in accident and transient temperatures that are too high for conventional metallic cladding.
Most designs of CANDU type SCWR use an internal calandria where part of the feedwater flow is guided through top tubes through the core, that provide the added moderation (feedwater) in that region.
The ditches of the Schaalbeke and Pludderbach have their water flow split between Liessow and Laage, but most of the water flows north as the Recknitz, while the lesser flow, called the Augraben, runs south to the river Nebel.
Hamilton was informed at Niksar that on the road from Niksar to Sivas, and about fourteen hours from Niksar, there is a high perpendicular rock, almost inaccessible on all sides, with a stream of water flowing from the top, and a river at its base.
Fish and Wildlife Service) is considering a restoration project that could repair the levee as part of its efforts to restore low water flow.
The "falls" from which Klamath Falls derives its name, and which in reality are best described as rapids rather than falls, are visible a short distance below the dam, though the water flow is generally insufficient to provide water flow over the rocks.
A number of spillways allow water to run off from the canal into the Millstone River during periods of heavy water flow.
Constant water flow for a period of 15 minutes.
To the east, water flowed in from Saint Bernard Parish, while to the west the Industrial Canal suffered two major breaches: one a block in from Florida Avenue, the second back from Claiborne Avenue.
He added, however, that design procedures of the Corps may not account for changes in soil strength caused by the changes in water flow and pressure during a hurricane flood.