जल मापी Meaning in English
जल मापी शब्द का अंग्रेजी अर्थ : water meter
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पानी का मीटरजल चक्की
पानी टकसाल
जल मिश्रण
जल मोल्ड
पानी ढालना
जल मूषक
जल अप्सरा
चिकने घाड़े की तरह
पेट में चढ़ाया जाने वाला पानी
पानी ओपस्सम
पानी या भाप से चलने वाला यन्त्र
जल आर्किड
पानी आर्किड
जल पृष्ठ
जल-मापी इसके अंग्रेजी अर्थ का उदाहरण
Manufacturer of water meters, meter-reading equipment, software, and related equipment, based in Tallassee, Alabama.
Only non-residential customers received water bills and had water meters.
In May 2016 a trial project to roll out water meters was announced by the Ashburton District Council.
Citizens band radio in Australia The 1985 White House intrusion occurred on 20 January 1985 when Robert Allen Latta, a 45-year-old water meter reader, successfully entered the White House uninvited.
Latta, of Denver, Colorado, held a master's degree in mechanical engineering but worked as a water meter reader for the Denver water department, where he held the Denver meter-reading record of 600 readings in a single day.