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जल मछली Meaning in English

जल मछली शब्द का अंग्रेजी अर्थ : water fish

जल-मछली हिंदी उपयोग और उदाहरण

""अल महारा ('ऑयस्टर'), जो एक नकली पनडुब्बी यात्रा के माध्यम से पहुँचा जाता है, में एक बड़ा समुद्री जल मछलीघर है, जिसमें लगभग 990,000 L (260,000 US gal) पानी है।

अल महारा ('ऑयस्टर'), जो एक नकली पनडुब्बी यात्रा के माध्यम से पहुँचा जाता है, में एक बड़ा समुद्री जल मछलीघर है, जिसमें लगभग 990,000 L (260,000 US gal) पानी है।

जल-मछली इसके अंग्रेजी अर्थ का उदाहरण

With the increasing availability of mass-produced freshwater fish keeping products and popularity of fish keeping following the First World War, many artists began exploring the new possibilities of creating an aquarium that didn't have fish as the main attraction.

Glossa (disambiguation) Coldwater fish, in the context of aquariums, refers to fish species that do not require a heater to remain within tolerable temperatures in a typical indoor aquarium.

For example, koi and goldfish are commonly considered to be cold-water fish because of their ability to survive at very low temperatures, but their temperature preferences are 32°C (89.

Because many of the ornamental fish considered to be “coldwater fish” are more accurately eurythermal fish and many prefer temperatures similar to, or even warmer than those preferred by certain tropical fish, the term “coldwater fish” in the aquarium context often misleads pet owners into keeping fish below their preferred temperature.

Note: The above contains a mix of true coldwater fish and sub-tropical fish that can survive and thrive at room temperature which ranges from 15"nbsp;°C (59"nbsp;°F) and to 30"nbsp;°C (86"nbsp;°F).

On May 28, 2015, the NJDEP Division of Fish and Wildlife officially certified the catch of a new state record saltwater fish, weighing 3 pounds, 2.

Pierre Huet, songwriter for the Québec bands Beau Dommage and Offenbach (band) and for many other singers, and also editor-in-chief and co-founder of Québec humour magazine Croc (magazine) The Pedder galaxias (Galaxias pedderensis) is an Australian freshwater fish.

Freshwater fish of Tasmania.

1950 births The pond loach, (Misgurnus anguillicaudatus), is a freshwater fish in the loach family Cobitidae.

Purchasers often presume when buying tropical freshwater fish that all species will thrive in the (typical for home freshwater aquarium installations) range; this presumption is incorrect in the case of the pond loach.

Freshwater fish of China.

Freshwater fish of Japan.

Freshwater fish of Taiwan.

TV series involved in plagiarism controversies The flying barbs are freshwater fish in the genus Esomus, native to South and Mainland Southeast Asia.

Changes to the building included large saltwater and freshwater fish tanks being placed in the lobby, as well as a digital touchscreen wall for guests to interact with.

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