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जन भावना Meaning in English

जन भावना शब्द का अंग्रेजी अर्थ : public sentiment

जन-भावना हिंदी उपयोग और उदाहरण

अपनी रंगों से भरी तूलिका से चित्रकार जन भावनाओं की अभिव्‍यक्ति करता है तो दर्शक हतप्रभ रह जाता है।

सबसे पहले भारतेन्दु हरिश्चंद्र ने ही साहित्य में जन भावनाओं और आकांक्षाओं को स्वर दिया था।

"" अपनी रंगों से भरी तूलिका से चित्रकार जन भावनाओं की अभिव्‍यक्ति करता है तो दर्शक हतप्रभ रह जाता है।

जन भावनाओं को ध्यान में रखते हुए विश्व बैंक ने 1991 में बांध की समिक्षा के लिए एक निष्पक्ष आयोग  का गठन किया।

पाकिस्तान के सैनिक तानाशाह याहिया ख़ां ने 25 मार्च 1971 को पूर्वी पाकिस्तान की जन भावनाओं को सैनिक ताकत से कुचलने का आदेश दे दिया।

जन-भावना इसके अंग्रेजी अर्थ का उदाहरण

Wright built his famous settlement called Taliesin in Wisconsin for her, in part, to shield her from aggressive reporters and the negative public sentiment surrounding their non-married status.

Substantial public sentiment in support of appointment of a woman to the Supreme Court has been expressed since at least as early as 1930, when an editorial in The Christian Science Monitor encouraged Herbert Hoover to consider Ohio justice Florence E.

Her death roused public sentiment and put an end to yellow fever experiments on human beings.

And third, because public sentiment in Harney County would likely prejudice a jury against French-Glenn.

After the bloody defeat of Donghak, Gang Il-sun wandered around Korea for three years, surveying public sentiment.

On Monday 20 May, Moore records a meeting with Irwin and hints that his personal view was that Midgegooroo should be transported but there was a strong public sentiment that he should be executed; "there is a great puzzle to know what to do with him.

With the Japanese successes, public sentiment on Ceylon increased in favour of the Japanese; encouraged by successful Japanese-trained and -directed rebellions in Indonesia and support for Japanese forces in Thailand, Sinkiang and the Philippines, many Ceylonese hoped that the Japanese would help them gain independence.

The New York Times called him "obstinate" for his refusal to allow public sentiment to affect programming.

Germany’s assistance did legitimately help the Eastern European economies out of the crisis brought by the opening of the price scissors, and public sentiment was therefore swayed in favor of the Reich.

In the beginning, both editorials and communications urged united resistance to oppression, praised patriotism, and denounced tyranny; as events and public sentiment developed these grew more vigorous, often a little more radical than the populace.

But public sentiment was growing strongly against all legal restrictions, and in general the papers practiced freedom, not to say license, of utterance.

Smith's votes have run contrary to widespread public sentiment on several issues, notably minimum wage and the Oregon Death with Dignity Act.

The gang had killed two Texas Highway Patrol officers at Grapevine, Texas on Easter Sunday, April 1, 1934 which inflamed public sentiment against Barrow and Parker.

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