छोटी बिंदु Meaning in English
छोटी बिंदु शब्द का अंग्रेजी अर्थ : small point
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छोटा खंभाछोटा तालाब
छोटा सा तालाब
छोटा शिकार
छोटा प्रिंट
छोटे मुद्रित शब्द
छोटी छपाई
अल्प मात्रा
अल्प मात्रा में
छोटा परिमाण
छोटी मात्रा
थोडी मात्रा
थोढ़ी सी मात्रा
छोटी-बिंदु हिंदी उपयोग और उदाहरण
""फिर उन्होंने अपने में से प्रकाश को छिटका जो छोटी छोटी बिंदुएं बन गई।
छोटी-बिंदु इसके अंग्रेजी अर्थ का उदाहरण
This hill terminates at Breezy Point, a small point in Okauchee Lake.
The Cleveland Plain Dealer praised Armour's efforts in that city: "No better judge of a ball player's ability than Bill Armour lives, and not a small point necessary to win games escapes him.
"Suspended by the tail only, but in a rigidly horizontal position, regular with the exception of two small pointed processes from the head and an acute thoracic projection above them; colour bright green, beautifully ornamented with four irregular rows of large yellow spots bordered with red.
Cottrell made it work by developing a reliable high-voltage power supply and electrodes that permitted electrical energy to leak across a gas-filled chamber from many small points.
20th-century translators Preston Point (Niergarup in Noongar) is a small point in the Swan River, Western Australia.
They fire fastest, when small points indent the skin, and fire at a low rate on slow curves or flat surfaces.
the abdomen which protrudes to a small point on each side.
Its body is slightly elongated and thin with small pointy scales beneath the chin resembling a beard.
Beckett Point, Washington, United States, a small point.