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छोटा सा व्यक्ति Meaning in English

छोटा सा व्यक्ति शब्द का अंग्रेजी अर्थ : small person

छोटा-सा-व्यक्ति हिंदी उपयोग और उदाहरण

""किताब शुरू होता है जब जॉन कृषि योग्य बोना सूअर की एक कूड़े को जन्म देता है और कृषि योग्य श्री पता चलता है उनमें से एक छोटा सा व्यक्ति है और इसे मारने का फैसला किया।

छोटा-सा-व्यक्ति इसके अंग्रेजी अर्थ का उदाहरण

In the United States, the term is frequently used to refer to a non-freestanding cabinet or tray for holding small personal items such as watches, cuff links, keys, or a cell phone.

A full contralto speaking voice, a fine mimicry and good health are her ordinary stock in trade possessions; her delightful small personality is the crown, and makes her every inch a little queen of comic opera.

Being a small person, it is also reputed that he stood on a chair in order to be seen.

This was broken off after only eight years due to a quarrel with the master but, though he complained of poverty during this time, he managed some self-education and acquired a small personal library.

But inequality in size can be disregarded so if a very small person threatens a very large person and it is obvious that the risk of any real injury from this attack is remote, the large person may nevertheless feel some degree of apprehension.

José de Ribas is one of the principal figures on the monument of Catherine the Great in Odessa and there is small personal monument to him at the beginning of Deribasovskaya street.

He can lift physical objects up to the size of a small person, perhaps larger.

In 1984 Promenade Taché Dock was constructed so that small personal boats and water taxis could dock there.

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