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छींक मारना Meaning in English

छींक मारना शब्द का अंग्रेजी अर्थ : sneeze

छींक-मारना इसके अंग्रेजी अर्थ का उदाहरण

As Launch blast her way through the ogres by firing her machine gun at them, her hair tickles her nose and she sneezes.

At one moment, Goku and Krillin were happy with their time for training, but it then began wrong when Launch changes into her bad self with a sneeze and drives Roshi out of his house.

She fires at Roshi, Goku, Krillin and Turtle until a passing fly makes her sneeze again, turning her back to her good self.

Climbers including sneeze wort (Dregea volubilis), Gnetum ula and Entada scandens are also found in these semi-evergreen forests.

Having gotten advice from a hunter in Jellyfish Fields, Barnacle Boy suggests to Mermaid Man to stop the Hermit by making him sneeze, thus dropping all of the buildings back into place.

Glass engineering and science God bless you (variants include God bless or bless you) is a common English expression generally used to wish a person blessings in various situations, especially as a response to a sneeze, and also, when parting or writing a valediction.

The practice of blessing someone who sneezes dates as far back as at least CE 77 in the West, although it is far older than most specific explanations can account for, with non-theistic well-wishing going as far back as 500 BCE on the Indian subcontinent.

Some have offered an explanation suggesting that people once held the folk belief that a person's soul could be thrown from their body when they sneezed, that sneezing otherwise opened the body to invasion by the Devil or evil spirits, or that sneezing was the body's effort to force out an invading evil presence.

Moreover, in the past some people may have thought that the heart stops beating during a sneeze, and that the phrase "God bless you" encourages the heart to continue beating.

Meanwhile, an undated story from the Buddha's lifetime (~500 BCE), recorded in the Buddhist Vinaya, concerning customs around sneezing is as follows: "Once while giving a talk he sneezed and everyone in the audience called out `Live long!' (Ciram jiva!).

The Buddha then asked the audience: `When 'Live long!' is said after someone sneezes, do they live long or not because of that?' The monks admitted that this was not so.

The Buddha agreed and said that therefore, it is not necessary to say `Live long!' each time someone sneezes (Vin.

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