चौखटे Meaning in English
चौखटे शब्द का अंग्रेजी अर्थ : squares
, frameworks
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मताधिकार वाले शेयर
फ्रांसिस फोर्ड कोपोला
फ्रांसिस हेनरी कॉम्पटन क्रिक
फ्रांसिस ii
चौखटे इसके अंग्रेजी अर्थ का उदाहरण
outline housing figures for district and unitary authorities to take forward in their local development frameworks.
be consistent with and supportive of other regional frameworks and strategies.
In 2013, London Mayor Boris Johnson proposed early minor alterations to the London Plan that were aimed at preventing boroughs from setting rent caps or targets for affordable rented homes in their local development frameworks.
International political frameworks .
New types of creative works appeared, such as rich book settings, often embroidered with pearls (mainly from the Dnieper river), liturgical cups, crosses, icon setting frameworks, and later on boxes for storing relics, church chandeliers, cups, and plates.
Such increasing of precision is not only present in direct modification of the law, and there are examples of instances where narrative frameworks present modifications of the law, but openly admitting that they are extra rules, not present when the laws were originally given out.
Lab's current research interest spans the theory and design of novel algorithms and frameworks for reliable multimedia transmission, processing and ubiquitous communication over Internet and wireless networks.
Comparison of web frameworks.
Unit testing frameworks.
Comparison of JavaScript frameworks.
Among Enid Mumford’s accomplishments and spearheading believing is the advancement of a coordinated strategy for frameworks usage named Effective Technical and Human Implementation of Computer Systems (ETHICS) that joins work plan as a feature of the frameworks arranging and execution exertion.
Whereas Schlick sought to reduce universal generalizations to frameworks of 'rules' from which verifiable statements can be derived, Hahn argued that the verifiability criterion should accede to less-than-conclusive verifiability.
Various investigations, using different approaches and research frameworks have proved collaborative learning to be effective in many kinds of settings and contexts.
चौखटे हिंदी उपयोग और उदाहरण
मकबरे के चारों ओर चार मीनारें मूल आधार चौकी के चारों कोनों में, इमारत के दृश्य को एक चौखटे में बांधती प्रतीत होती हैं।
दरारें जहां चौखटें ठीक से नहीं बैठ रही हों या फिट हो रही हों।
* व्यापार जांच चौखटे।
दरवाजों की चौखटें देवी देवताओं की प्रतिमाओं से अलंकृत हैं।
सन्निकट स्थिति में पटरी रखने पर चौखटे को दीर्घवृत्त खींचने के लिए शुद्ध स्थिति में लाया जा सकता है।
इनमें से भी प्रथम दो रचनाओं में कश्मीरी छंदों को संस्कृत के चौखटे में कसकर प्रस्तुत किया गया है; हाँ, छुम्मं संप्रदाय में कश्मीरी छंदों से अधिक कश्मीरी 'सूत्र' पाए जाते हैं जो शैव सिद्धों द्वारा कश्मीरी भाषा के लोकग्राह्य उपयोग की ओर निश्चित संकेत करते हैं।
चौखटे तोड़ते त्रिकोणः 1987,।
""चौखटे तोड़ते त्रिकोणः 1987,।
कैनवास को एक चौखटे (Stretcher) पर ताना जाता है।
रागेय राघव ने वादों के चौखटे से बाहर रहकर सही मायने में प्रगितशील रवैया अपनाते हुए अपनी रचनाधर्मिता से समाज संपृक्ति का बोध कराया।
पारिस्थितिकी तंत्र परिस्थिति-विज्ञान पारिस्थितिकी तंत्र की जैविक और अजैवघटकों का एकीकृत अध्ययन है और एक पारिस्थितिकी तंत्र चौखटे में उनके संपर्क का अध्ययन है।
सामाजिक चौखटे पर केंद्रित है, गोफमैन 'उनके सामाजिक जीवन के किसी भी क्षण में अनुभवों व्यक्तियों का है, संरचना के बारे में एक सामान्य बयान का निर्माण, या फार्म' के लिए करना चाहता।
3. उड़े हुए रंग – (उपन्यास) यह उपन्यास सूने चौखटे नाम से 1974 में प्रकाशित हुआ था।
चौखटे इसके अंग्रेजी अर्थ का उदाहरण
Son of the Italian archaeologist and art historian Ennio Quirino Visconti, Visconti designed many Parisian residences, public buildings and squares, including the Place Saint Sulpice and the overall design of the Fontaine Molière, and was briefly the official architect for the Louvre under Napoleon III.
The expression \sum_{i1}^n (S_{it})^2 represents the sum of the squares of the proportion of power possessed by all states in the great power system.
In some fonts these are fitted to half-squares, like some monospaced fonts, while in others they are not.
Due to the often-harsh Russian climate the markets usually take place indoors, but summer meetings often occur in public parks, yards of apartment houses or city squares.
Planned to replace the 40-year-old estate are a series of "squares and neighbourhoods around a central, tree-lined avenue on Beaumont Road and reinstated the road's pre-war route.
Some of the squares will be on the sites of the original towers.
The basic layout of the city is an eight-point star, created by overlaying two squares so that all the corners were equidistant.
The town contained three squares – one for the prince’s palace, one for the cathedral, and one for the market.
List of places and squares within neighborhood areas.
The 23 official neighborhoods in Boston are made up of approximately 84 sub-districts, squares and neighborhoods within each official neighborhood.
To facilitate the relearning of numbers through dictation, squares were used to place the numbers in space, and the concepts of hierarchy were practiced permanently (units, tens, hundreds, etc.
Since the Adelaide City Council drew up a Reconciliation Vision Statement in 1997, they committed to a dual naming project, working with Kaurna Warra Pintyanthi, to cover the city centre and North Adelaide, including the five public squares and Adelaide park lands.
Musical groups established in 1997 Marsden square mapping or Marsden squares is a system that divides a chart of the world with latitude-longitude gridlines (e.