चाहना Meaning in English
चाहना शब्द का अंग्रेजी अर्थ : want to
ऐसे ही कुछ और शब्द
अंदर आना चाहनाहानि पहुँचना चाहना
बाहर जाना चाहना
शामिल होन चाहना
शामिल होना चाहना
उतारना चाहते हैं
करना चाहता था
युद्ध वकालत
युद्ध कला विशारद
राज्यों के बीच युद्ध
चाहना हिंदी उपयोग और उदाहरण
यह एक मिथ्या तर्क है क्योंकि किसी का अपनी परिस्थितिवश कोई तर्क देना चाहना उस तर्क को ग़लत नहीं साबित करता:।
पिताके सपना साकार पार्ने पश्चिमके राजा-रजौटाओंके समाप्ति यिनके चाहना थे।
लोरलाई क्रिस्टोफर से कहती है 'मैं तुम्हें यह बताना चाहती हूं कि तुम वो आदमी हो जिसे मैं चाहना चाहती हूं.'।
मन की तीन मुख्य क्रियाएँ होतीं हैं सोचना, अनुभव करना एवं चाहना।
""वि० [सं० अभि√इष् (चाहना)+क्त] १. जो विशेष रूप से इष्ट हो।
है ‘प्रेम’ की यही कामना, यही एक उसकी है चाहना।
चाहना इसके अंग्रेजी अर्थ का उदाहरण
The PhD Movie raises a question that crosses many students' minds: why bother? The answer it provides resonates with the audience: Everybody is here because they want to be here .
"I know some people get disheartened, and I know some people want to throw in the sponge and give up, but I can't do that.
Rosie does not want to put off the wedding any longer and the ceremony takes place at Walford Register Office.
She prepares to leave but Darren does not want to go, so Rosie convinces Keith to make Darren leave by saying he is not interested in his son.
For investors, they want to know all financial information if possible in ideal condition, which may cause tremendous financial burden in the corporations.
Feeling that Khan did not want to accede explicitly, Jinnah invited him in October to convince him.
It is a collection of covers of mostly jazz standards, which O'Connor describes as "the songs I grew up listening to [and] that made me want to be a singer".
Originally, the band were going to perform tracks from Viva la Vida or Death and All His Friends such as "Lost!" and other unknown ones at Latin America but they did not want to ruin the surprise for the upcoming fourth studio album.
Later, William Porter described the United States response as "greatly pessimistic" because the United States government did not want to denounce South Korea when it was assisting war efforts in Vietnam.
Some people might not want to see your underwear.
In it, Kyle struggles to understand a new metrosexual fad that has sprung around the men and boys of South Park and is the only one who does not want to conform to it.
Kyle, who does not want to conform, is beaten up by Craig, Clyde, Token, and Jimmy at school.
Sellers met up with Rakoff, and the star decided he did not want to work with the director.