चारों ओर फैला हुआ Meaning in English
चारों ओर फैला हुआ शब्द का अंग्रेजी अर्थ : spread around
ऐसे ही कुछ और शब्द
फैला हुआ बादलनीचे फैलाना
नीचे की ओर फैल जाना
स्प्रेड ईगल
स्प्रैड ईगल
स्प्रैड ईगल स्केटिंग करना
फैला हुआ ईगल्स
तेज़ी से फैलना
चापाकार में फैलना
हाथ पैर पसारना
प्रकाश आदि फैलाना
अरों या किरणों के समान फैले हुए
जंगल की आग की तरह फैलना
जंगल की आग तरह फैला दें
फैला हुआ माध्यम
चारों-ओर-फैला-हुआ हिंदी उपयोग और उदाहरण
लिंग पुराण में इस क्षेत्र का विस्तार कृतिवास से आरंभ होकर यह क्षेत्र एक-एक कोस चारों ओर फैला हुआ है।
""चित्र जोड़ें सोलहवीं पुतली सत्यवती ने जो कथा कही वह इस प्रकार है- राजा विक्रमादित्य के शासन काल में उज्जैन नगरी का यश चारों ओर फैला हुआ था।
चारों-ओर-फैला-हुआ इसके अंग्रेजी अर्थ का उदाहरण
The amount and way in which the light is spread around the specular direction.
The Really Really Free Markets started to spread around Asia.
The 25th Hour tape was originally released in his hometown of Baton Rouge, Louisiana – but other versions have spread around the internet.
Researchers are recording conversations and mapping the language, believing that Kukatja could provide clues to how languages are spread around the world.
Thereafter the "Easter Morning" or "Sunrise Service" spread around the world with the Moravian missionaries.
It currently has around 50 mosques, spread around the town.
While the operations are spread around the world, the RGHL corporate headquarters are located in the same office building as Reynolds Consumer Products in Lake Forest, Illinois.
As Freemasonry spread around the globe in the 18th and 19th centuries, Mark Masonry expanded with it, with six daughter Grand Lodges and the degree being worked under alternative administrative structures elsewhere.
The area in which the breed developed, around Camden, South Carolina, was a resort and hunting area, and the breed was noticed by visitors and so spread around the United States.
Their reputation quickly spread around Melbourne; the club was sold out every night and they were soon being booked by all the major disco and dance promoters in the city.
In the following works and papers that were produced between 1970 and 1972 it would then be called zero moment point and would be spread around the world.
"The estancias were spread around 200 square kilometers could support about 20,000 cattle.
It was also used by the Colorado Rockies and became their theme song, before it later spread around the country.