घूँट Meaning in English
घूँट शब्द का अंग्रेजी अर्थ : sip
, gulp
ऐसे ही कुछ और शब्द
गुलपिंगदंत पाली
मसूड़ों का
गम लोचदार
घूँट इसके अंग्रेजी अर्थ का उदाहरण
As much as 80% of the gulper population has been depleted in some areas, so any harvesting can have a large effect on the decline of the species or possible recovery.
Being found at depths between 260 and 728 m, the mosaic gulper shark is rare enough that it has no significance to fisheries, contrary to others of the genus Cemtrophorus.
Lastly, due to the frequency and patterns of migration, the recorded gulper shark populations may be inaccurate.
Due to the frequency and patterns of migration the gulper shark population estimates may be inaccurate with some sharks being counted twice, which are exacerbated by inappropriate tagging techniques.
1999 mergers and acquisitions The mosaic gulper shark (Centrophorus tessellatus) is a small rare deepwater dogfish, found in the Pacific Ocean around Honshū, Japan and the Hawaiian Islands at depths between 260 and 728 m.
The mosaic gulper shark has no anal fin, two dorsal fins with large spines (the second dorsal is relatively high, almost as high as the first), large eyes, angular extended free tips on the pectoral fins, and a moderately notched caudal fin.
One breath usually consists of 6 to 9 gulps of 40 to 200 ml each.
Human interaction with the gulper shark exists mainly in the form of fishing.
Early optimism on the opening tracks transmutes into full desolation by the closing hack-gulps at the end.
Large populations of gulper sharks must be built over long periods of time.
The dumb gulper shark is very similar in appearance to the closely related little gulper shark.
The smallfin gulper is found in the western Indian Ocean off South Africa and Mozambique, and the western Pacific off Honshū, Japan, Indonesia, New Hebrides, New Caledonia, and southern Australia.
However, being harvested by a species with similar growth patterns means that the gulper shark is unlikely to be considered in this way.
घूँट हिंदी उपयोग और उदाहरण
| हिन्दी का प्रथम काव्य-नाटक || ‘एक घूँट’ (जयशंकर प्रसाद ; 1915 ई.)।
परन्तु 'एक घूँट' एक ही रह गया; अन्य लेखकों को यह एकांकी लेखन की ओर प्रवृत्त न कर सका।
'एक घूँट' में एकांकी के कमोबेश लगभग सभी आधुनिक लक्षण मिल जाते हैं।
""घूँट पीणौ :- बरदाश्त करना।
14|17|जिसे वह कठिनाई से घूँट-घूँट करके पिएगा और ऐसा नहीं लगेगा कि वह आसानी से उसे उतार सकता है, और मृत्यु उसपर हर ओर से चली आती होगी, फिर भी वह मरेगा नहीं।
नाटकस्कन्दगुप्त,अघातशत्रु,विशाखा,एक घूँट, राज्यश्री, ध्रुवस्वामिनी।
इस भ्रमण में उन्होंने बहुत बार कुख्यात धारा 144 का उल्लंघन भी किया जिसे सरकार खून का घूँट समझकर पी गयी।
"" 'कामना' और 'एक घूँट' को छोड़कर ये नाटक मूलत: इतिहास पर आधृत हैं।
""'एक घूँट' एकांकी नाटक है जिसमें कोई दृश्य और अंक विभाजन नहीं है।
'एक घूँट' एकांकी नाटक है जिसमें कोई दृश्य और अंक विभाजन नहीं है।
(२) एकांकी के दूसरे युग में जयशंकर प्रसाद का 'एक घूँट' लिखा गया जिसपर संस्कृत का भी प्रभाव है और बँगला के माध्यम से आए पाश्चात्य एकांकी शिल्प का भी।
प्रसाद के 'एक घूँट' (१९२९ ई.) से दूसरा चरण, भुवनेश्वरप्रसाद के 'कारवाँ' (१९३५ ई.) से तीसरा तथा डॉ॰ रामकुमार वर्मा के 'रेशमी टाई' (१९४१ ई.) संकलन से चौथे चरण की शुरूआत कही गई है।
घूँट पीणौ :- बरदाश्त करना।
घूँट इसके अंग्रेजी अर्थ का उदाहरण
Esoteric cosmology The following persons are, or were, the president of Mississippi State University.
Presidents of Mississippi A"M (1880–1932).
Presidents of Mississippi State College (1932–1958).
Presidents of Mississippi State University (1958–present).
(a) – Hugh Critz was president when the Mississippi Legislature changed the name from Mississippi A"M to Mississippi State College.
Hilbun was president when the Mississippi Legislature again changed the name from Mississippi State College to Mississippi State University in 1958 after the Mississippi State gained university status.
– On Friday, March 7, 2008 Robert "Doc" Foglesong officially resigned from his position as President of Mississippi State.
, President of the Mississippi Board of Trustees of State Institutions of Higher Learning (IHL), announced that the Board unanimously named Dr.
Watson as the Interim President at Mississippi State University.
(e) - On October 20, 2008 "During its emergency teleconference, the Board of Trustees of State Institutions of Higher Learning accepted the resignation of Mississippi State University Interim President Dr.
Mississippi State University.
Mississippi State University, Presidents A gag name is a false name intended to be humorous through its similarity to (1) a real name and (2) a term or phrase that is funny, strange, or vulgar.
He had three years' service with the Coast and Geodetic Survey, after which he joined the USS Ossipee for service on the Asiatic Station.
In some configurations, plants that float on the surface of the water, such as Eichhornia crassipes and Pistia stratiotes, can be displayed to full advantage.