घुरघुराहट Meaning in English
घुरघुराहट शब्द का अंग्रेजी अर्थ : gruesome
, grunting
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घुरघुराहट इसके अंग्रेजी अर्थ का उदाहरण
Its generic name, Aplodinotus, comes from Greek meaning "single back", and the specific epithet, grunniens, comes from a Latin word meaning "grunting".
He played guitar and performed the vocal grunting parts in the band.
The album featured an interplay of contrasts between delicate acoustic guitar, gentle whispering vocals and angelic choruses on the one hand and massive riffs, industrial grind and death metal grunting on the other.
Maintaining Lazare's style and getting rid of his hollering style singing, and keeping Cornelius' lower black metal grunting, "Pills" saw the addition of a less high pitched black metal shriek from Cornelius, as well as Cornelius' most common style of singing to date.
Males compete with one another in a manner similar to other deer - wrestling with antlers, scent marking, visual displays, and grunting warning sounds.
As in "Gnomus", phantasmagoric effects of orchestration flit briefly by in a nightmarish kaleidoscope—grunting strings, snarling brass, shrieking woodwinds.
The game's New York City is also more "lifelike" compared to previous games in the series - players can watch vendors sell donuts, hear NPC pedestrians talk rather than simply grunting and screaming, and take part in numerous side jobs such as cab driving and car towing.
In 1984, MacLean's verified Sharpe's claim to the title of being Canada's Greatest Athlete, which he held until 1990) and was further distinguished by his near-constant yelling and grunting throughout his matches, as well as a black brace on his right forearm, supposedly protecting an injury but more widely believed to contain a foreign object.
Strong players known for powerful throws can fake a long throw by grunting and pretending to throw far while throwing gently and just getting the ball over the net.
It is given to it because of the grunting noise that mature males make.
They make grunting and hissing sounds, like other cassowaries.
Cornelius still used his high pitched wails and shrieks and his lower grunting, but he also introduced a style of spoken word singing.
When these animals roam in their range land, they can be very loud, clattering their teeth and grunting to one another to communicate and stay within the herd.
घुरघुराहट हिंदी उपयोग और उदाहरण
इसके विपरीत, केवल सांस लेने के समय के अलावा बड़ी बिल्लियां गर्जन कर सकती हैं लेकिन घुरघुराहट नहीं कर सकती. हालांकि, अभी भी कुछ लोगों द्वारा चीता को बड़ी बिल्लियों की सबसे छोटी प्रजाति के रूप में माना जाता है।
चीता की घुरघुराहट रॉबर्ट एक्लुंड के इंग्रेसिव स्पीच वेबसाइट या रॉबर्ट एक्लुंड वाइल्डलाइफ पेज [https://web.archive.org/web/20100314213308/http://roberteklund.info/Wildlife.htm पर सुना जा सकता.।
""बड़ी बिल्ली के विपरीत चीता घुरघुराहट के रूप में सांस लेते हैं, पर गर्जन नहीं कर सकते हैं।
घुरघुराहट - मादा चीता जब अपने बच्चों के साथ होती है, बिल्ली जैसी आवाज़ निकालती है (ज्यादातर बच्चे और उनकी माताओं के बीच). घुरघुराहट जैसी ये आवाज़ आक्रामकता और शिथिलता दोनों का आभास कराती है।
घुरघुराहट इसके अंग्रेजी अर्थ का उदाहरण
Recently, Jackson-Side Wah Ching has been more commonly known as Insane-Side Wah Ching, due to the Wah Ching's rivalry with the similarly named Jackson Street Boys as well as the gang's habit for gruesome crimes such as 23-marking.
Its plot revolves around a series of murders taking place in a New England home that happens to be hiding a gruesome secret within its basement walls.
" Aldo Vigano of La Stampa commented on the use of children in the film, stating that "to see children involved in such a gruesome and oppressive horror story will perhaps cause disconcert and discomfort, rather than pity in many spectators.
As for the Nameless, a group of Kree explorers infected by the Exolon parasites, after being infected by the parasites, which consumed their souls, they lost all sense of time and sentience and started doing gruesome self-inflicting pain rituals in order to remember their past lives.
" Swithin Cush, a mild and much-loved man, commits gruesome suicide, leaving a note and some mysterious clues—a red knight from his chess set, and the word "Danger" in encrypted form.
It's as if Richardson went back to look at old horror movies by such filmmakers as Val Lewton and James Whale to figure out how they got their spooky but never gruesome effects".
The practice of headhunting is one of the ancient and gruesome traditions practiced by the Kadazandusun primitive community during the times of the civil wars.
This gruesome practice has been banned and no longer practice today.
Many of the stories have the qualities of children's tales but with nightmarish or gruesome elements, similar to Grimm's Fairy Tales.
Has a strange hobby involving modifying the bodies of attractive young men in gruesome ways, which he views as a form of artistic expression.
1985 establishments in Tennessee Murder ballads are a subgenre of the traditional ballad form dealing with a crime or a gruesome death.
which continues with more gruesome details of the murder and the disposal of the body.
" This gruesome practice is well evidenced, in multiple cultures.