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घर लौटना Meaning in English

घर लौटना शब्द का अंग्रेजी अर्थ : go home

घर-लौटना हिंदी उपयोग और उदाहरण

डेविड के सलेम हाउस लौटने के तुरंत बाद, उसकी मां और बच्चा मर जाते हैं और डेविड को तुरंत घर लौटना पड़ता है।

कहानी के अनुसार, इसने मुहम्मद और मक्का के बीच एक सामान्य सुलह का नेतृत्व किया, और एबीसिनिया मुसलमानों ने घर लौटना शुरू कर दिया।

"" कहानी के अनुसार, इसने मुहम्मद और मक्का के बीच एक सामान्य सुलह का नेतृत्व किया, और एबीसिनिया मुसलमानों ने घर लौटना शुरू कर दिया।

सुरुली यह पता लगाने के लिए घर लौटती है कि उसकी माँ तुरंत घर लौटना चाहती है, क्योंकि वह उसके देशद्रोही होने से निराश है, खासकर अत्तिला की बात सुनने के बाद।

इसके बाद अगले पाँच साल उन्होंने कैन्सास में अपने को जमाने की कोशिशें कीं लेकिन हारकर घर लौटना पड़ा।

घर-लौटना इसके अंग्रेजी अर्थ का उदाहरण

Lights are controlled by a ground radio operator, and thus the radio operator must be present for night operations (they typically go home while it is still daylight).

" However, Curiel insisted in a phone call from his San Diego home that he was kicked out by Atlantic Records management.

He challenged Stanislaus Zbyszko and Frank Gotch, either he would beat them or pay them the prize money and go home.

I told him to go home, get the fuck out of here.

After Jimmy leaves, Alice takes Charlotte's advice to go home with her second choice, Tom Platt.

Jeff felt he should go home because he felt he had reached a lot of his goals, and that Pete could have chosen anyone to be his duo, but chose him.

Sarty, his father, and his brother spend some time in town and do not go home until the sun has almost set.

Out of "grateful love", the man asks Jesus to let him be with him (ινα μετ αυτου η, hina met autou e), translated as "stay with him" in the Jerusalem Bible, but Jesus tells him to go home to his "family" (Amplified Bible) or to his "people" (New International Version) and tell them what God has done for him.

SpongeBob and Patrick board a bus to go home from Glove World, which is a glove-themed amusement park.

Patrick gets on the bus to go home but accidentally leaves SpongeBob behind.

The squeegee kids on the corner have been abandoned by their parents and might happily go home with one of these rich Americanas.

Following the Mets' most recent defeat in this stretch, an 11-inning loss to Atlanta at Shea Stadium, Braves third baseman Chipper Jones was quoted as saying, "Now all the Mets fans can go home and put on their Yankees stuff.

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