घटाव वढ़ाव Meaning in English
घटाव वढ़ाव शब्द का अंग्रेजी अर्थ : subtraction
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घटाव-वढ़ाव इसके अंग्रेजी अर्थ का उदाहरण
removal of systematic noise – bias frame subtraction and flat-field correction.
dark frame subtraction.
Calculation impairments include the inability to perform simple mathematical operations, such as addition, subtraction, division, and multiplication.
Studies of patients with lesions to the parietal lobe have demonstrated that lesions to the angular gyrus tend to lead to greater impairments in memorized mathematical facts, such as multiplication tables, with relatively unimpaired subtraction abilities.
Conversely, patients with lesions in the region of the intraparietal sulcus tend to have greater deficits in subtraction, with preserved multiplication abilities.
Familiar multiplication problems and simple subtractions should be tested in priority, as they reflect rote verbal and quantity-based processes, respectively.
In a special test of written arithmetical operations (addition, subtraction, multiplication, and division), and initial score of 0/20 was obtained.
To provide training in arithmetical operations, she was given in writing additions, subtractions, multiplications, and divisions with digits separated in columns by thick colored lines and the tops of the columns were numbered (from right to left).
Users place sequences of numbers and equations, using the four main arithmetic operators (addition, subtraction, division, multiplication) and the equal sign in a Scrabble-like placement.
One of the earlier number-based variants, Numble was a physical board game using numbers and basic mathematic equations (addition, subtraction, multiplication, division).
The subtraction function can be written based on the predecessor function.
Similarly subtraction is defined,.
By subtraction of these two acquisitions in post-processing, an image is obtained which in principle only shows blood vessels, and not the surrounding tissue.
Subtractionless contrast-enhanced magnetic resonance angiography: recent developments in MRA technology have made it possible to create high quality contrast-enhanced MRA images without subtraction of a non-contrast enhanced mask image.