ग्रैप Meaning in English
ग्रैप शब्द का अंग्रेजी अर्थ : the grap
, graph
ऐसे ही कुछ और शब्द
ग्राफक कलाग्रफेस्ट
चित्रण योग्य
चित्रमय रिकॉर्ड
चित्रोपमता पूर्वक
ग्रैप इसके अंग्रेजी अर्थ का उदाहरण
Selected filmography.
Masthead undergone many changes from style to typography.
"The Kung Pao Buckaroos" on "Cornography" are George Jones, Little Jimmy Dickens and Bill Anderson, with Dolly Parton as "Miss Kitty".
However, solid evidence for its practice exists in the jade and ceramic replicas of stingray spines and shark teeth as well as representations of such paraphernalia on monuments and stelae and in iconography.
Its geographic range extends to all continents except Antarctica and Australia.
It was choreographed by Charles Walters and filmed two months after the rest of the film, after Garland sought the help of a hypnotist in Santa Barbara and lost 20 pounds.
Although his filmography was brief, his films placed Thai cinema on the world stage.
Photography – Mick Rock.
Due to their geographical locations, both are within the 00 time zone, which is the same as the national standard, Beijing time.
The correctness is however doubtful given the fact that Seria is geographically located in the north west of Brunei and not the south east.
However, in iconography he is often depicted holding a cup.
ग्रैप हिंदी उपयोग और उदाहरण
""(5) धोने के उपरांत पादप अथवा ग्रैप्टोलाइट जीवाश्म को कवर ग्लास से ढँक देना चाहिए।
(5) धोने के उपरांत पादप अथवा ग्रैप्टोलाइट जीवाश्म को कवर ग्लास से ढँक देना चाहिए।
""केरल कुश्ती एक लड़ाकू खेल है जिसमें ग्रैपलिंग-प्रकार की तकनीक शामिल है जैसे कि क्लिंच फाइटिंग, थ्रो और टेकडाउन, जॉइंट लॉक्स, पिन्स और अन्य ग्रैपलिंग होल्ड।
केरल कुश्ती एक लड़ाकू खेल है जिसमें ग्रैपलिंग-प्रकार की तकनीक शामिल है जैसे कि क्लिंच फाइटिंग, थ्रो और टेकडाउन, जॉइंट लॉक्स, पिन्स और अन्य ग्रैपलिंग होल्ड।
सीलेंटरेटा - उपर्युक्त महाकल्प में ग्रैप्टोलाइट्स।
ग्रैप्टोलाइट (Graptolites), जो इस युग के पूर्व बहुसंख्यक थे, अब सदा के लिए लुप्त हो गए।
इस प्रकार से निकाले गए ग्रैप्टोलाइट और कुछ पादप जैसे कोमल जीवाश्मों के आधुनिक जीवों की भाँति सूक्ष्मदर्शी की सहायता से परिच्छेद बनाए जा सकते हैं।
उन्होंने ग्रैपवाइन इंडिया पब्लिशर्स की स्थापना किया।
इस युग के प्रस्तरों में ग्रैप्टोलाइट नामक जीवों के अवशेषों की प्रचुरता है।
सीलेनूटरेटा (Coelenterata) - ग्रैपटोलाइटीज़ (Graptolites) अति महत्व के थे।
स्पिटी में इस काल के स्तरों में प्रवालयुक्त चूनाशिला, जबशिला और रेतयुक्त चूनाशिला हैं जिनमें ट्राइलोबाइट (Trilobite), ब्रेकियोपोड (Brachiopoda) और ग्रैप्टोलाइट (Graptolite) वर्ग के जीवाश्म (Fossils) बहुतायत से मिलते हैं।
(3) कार्बनीकरण - कुछ पादपों और कुछ प्राणियों में, जैसे ग्रैप्टोलाइट (graptolite), जिनमें कंकाल काइटिन का बना होता है, मूल द्रव्य कार्बनीकृत हो जाता है।
""सीलेनूटरेटा (Coelenterata) - ग्रैपटोलाइटीज़ (Graptolites) अति महत्व के थे।
ग्रैप इसके अंग्रेजी अर्थ का उदाहरण
When scaling a vector graphic image, the graphic primitives that make up the image can be scaled using geometric transformations, with no loss of image quality.
Attending her first comic event in São Paulo, Brazil, Adriana spoke to two professionals in the graphic novel industry that were evaluating portfolios.
At the time it was released, the graphics and animation were considered impressive.
When accurate census records were introduced in 1881, it is evident from the graph, that there was a fluctuation in population figures.
), is the spiritual sequel to Umetsu's Kite, as both feature the continuing elements of a highly trained female protagonist, dark comedic tone, extremely violent and slickly directed over-the-top action sequences, as well as the graphic sex scenes, which can be found only in the uncut version.
He said that both the graphics and the combat innovations fully lived up to the high expectations for the Model 3 board, though he was somewhat disappointed that the game did not significantly diverge from the style of Virtua Fighter 2.
J(n,k) is Hamilton-connected, meaning that every pair of vertices forms the endpoints of a Hamiltonian path in the graph.
J(n,k) forms the graph of vertices and edges of an (n"nbsp;−"nbsp;1)-dimensional polytope, called a hypersimplex.
The scale of the game meant that the team needed to find ways around memory storage problems, and make compromises with the graphics and storyline.
When it was discovered that the chip only had one megabyte of memory, the team were forced to streamline the graphics and visuals, resulting in the setpiece graphics being cut.
Initially, the graphics were brown and black, and this system became known as GEN1.
The colour scheme of the display were then changed to Grey/Black/Red at the same time as the graphics in the instrument cluster changed and this is known as GEN2 and coincided with the MY2013 update.
While critics praised the graphics and music as beautiful and unique, they found the combat simplistic and repetitive, and the story insubstantial.