गोलार्द्धों Meaning in English
गोलार्द्धों शब्द का अंग्रेजी अर्थ : hemispheres
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हेमलक विष
गोलार्द्धों हिंदी उपयोग और उदाहरण
अंतरिक्ष प्रौद्योगिकी का एक नया विकास, OLS में, एक लोहे के शिरस्त्राण (हेलमेट) जैसा लक्ष्यीकरण प्रणाली शामिल है, जो जमीनी और हवाई दोनों ही निशाने को आगे से और विमान के पीछे गोलार्द्धों में जमीन हवा लक्ष्य के लिए समाधान प्रदान करते हैं।
"" डीएसटी को लागू करने में उत्तरी और दक्षिणी गोलार्द्धों के बीच मतभेद के चलते, किसी भी 12 महीने में एक संभावित टाइमस्टैम्प में 4 घंटे तक की त्रुटि हो सकती है।
उत्तरी और दक्षिणी गोलार्द्धों बांटता है जो भूमध्य रेखा के विपरीत, पूर्वी और पश्चिमी गोलार्द्धों को अलग करनेवाली एक मनमाना काल्पनिक रेखा है।
Buzan का इलाज भी नोट बनाने के अन्य रूपों पर मन मानचित्रण का दावा किया वृद्धि की प्रभावशीलता को समझाने के लिए आदेश में मस्तिष्क गोलार्द्धों के कार्यों के बारे में तो लोकप्रिय मान्यताओं का उपयोग करता है।
गोलार्द्धों इसके अंग्रेजी अर्थ का उदाहरण
The brain is divided into two hemispheres, each consisting of four lobes – the frontal, temporal, parietal and occipital lobes.
The beads are "bichromal", with hemispheres of two contrasting colors (e.
Decorticate posturing indicates that there may be damage to areas including the cerebral hemispheres, the internal capsule, and the thalamus.
It replaced the system with two quotas for the Western and Eastern hemispheres.
This term is used throughout the northern and southern hemispheres.
It lies on the border between the Chilean Metropolitan Region (near a major international highway about east of Santiago) and the Argentine province of Mendoza, about south of Aconcagua, the highest peak of both the Southern and Western hemispheres.
A distinguishable difference is that with anencephaly, the cerebral hemispheres are missing, but with acalvaria, all parts of the cerebrum are usually present and developed, whereas parts of the calvarium are missing.
In 1910, the agency reported on global tropical cyclones, noting that "the occurrence of tropical storms is confined to the summer and autumn months of the respective hemispheres and to the western parts of the several oceans.
One of the underlying ideas is that the exercises are meant to ‘balance’ the brain hemispheres so the two "sides" work together better; there is also a notion of integrating the "top" parts of the brain with the "lower" parts of the brain to integrate thought and emotion, as well as integrating visual, auditory, and motor skills;.
He has two hemispheres: one controlling emotions, the other controlling intelligence.
It has been postulated that teleconnections, oceanic and atmospheric processes, on different timescales, connect both hemispheres during abrupt climate change.
"Cygnus X-1" is primarily about the discovery of two conflicting ways of life, and two vastly different ways in which the human mind thinks (logic and emotion are separated into separate sides, or hemispheres, of the brain).
The left stereo channel switches to the right for dramatic effect when Lee sings the word 'hemispheres'.