गुल्स Meaning in English
गुल्स शब्द का अंग्रेजी अर्थ : guls
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मसूड़े का प्रदाह
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गम पेड़
गोंद का पेड़
गुल्स हिंदी उपयोग और उदाहरण
अन्य सहायक नदियों में गुल्सस्पेन्ग्लवेन, बायलवेन और नोरसेलेन शामिल हैं।
मिस्त्री की एक छोटी जीवनी मनोज नांबुरु द्वारा 2008 में एक पुस्तक मे लिखी गई थी - ' रियल एस्टेट के मोगुल्स '।
"" मार्गुल्स और प्रेस्सी ने व्यवस्थित योजना अभिगम में छह परस्पर जुड़े चरणों की पहचान की:।
गुलशानी (गुल्सेनी भी)।
गुल्स इसके अंग्रेजी अर्थ का उदाहरण
The Wangers were well-connected and upper middle class, something which later differentiated Wanger from the other Jewish film moguls who came from more ordinary backgrounds.
Mary Jane, opened in 1975, has a separate base area and is known for its moguls, tree skiing, hidden huts, and generally more difficult terrain.
Stanisław Jankowiak, Paweł Machcewicz, Agnieszka Rogulska, "Zranione miasto : Poznań w czerwcu 1956 r.
There were both men's and women's competition in both aerials and moguls events.
In moguls, the athletes ski down a slope littered with moguls, attempting to get down in as fast a time as possible while also attempting to get points for technique and their two aerial jumps during the course.
Other situations remain almost pure parallel Christie technique, such as competitive mogul skiing, with edged turn initiation aided by the moguls themselves.
He lived there until 1962 attracting many famous stars and film moguls to visit him in the village.
The Gresley K4 2-6-0 Moguls LNER encyclopedia.
The fifth member of the Maunsell "family" of standardised moguls and 2-6-4 locomotives, the U1 was the final development of the Maunsell mogul, and marked a continuation of the basic principles established by CME George Jackson Churchward for the GWR.
Several K class 2-cylinder 2-6-4 locomotives had been successfully rebuilt as U class moguls, leaving the solitary 3-cylinder K1 class 2-6-4 number A890 River Frome for similar treatment.
The entire U1 class had smokebox snifting valves, a feature previously used on the other Maunsell moguls.