गुआनो Meaning in English
गुआनो शब्द का अंग्रेजी अर्थ : guano
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गारंटी देनेवाला
पहरेदारी करना
चौकीदारी करना
पर पहरा देना
गुआनो हिंदी उपयोग और उदाहरण
* गुआनो (guano) या चिड़ियों की बीट, जो समुद्री पक्षियों तथा चूहों के मल से बनता है और नाइट्रोजन तथा फास्फेट के साथ साथ कार्बनिक पदार्थयुक्त होता है।
"" बोलिविया के विभिन्न क्षेत्रों में बोली जाने वाली अन्य भाषाओं में गुयारा, चिरीगुआनो, चिक्विटानो, और क्वेचुआ या आयमार शामिल हैं।
विक्टोरिया का प्रमुख निर्यात वैनिला, नारियल, नारियल तेल, मछली और गुआनो हैं।
द्वीपों को घिस चुके मूंगा के सफेद दानेदार रेत से ढका हुआ है, और अधिकांश स्थानों में गुआनो की मोटी परत मिल सकती है।
बोलिविया के विभिन्न क्षेत्रों में बोली जाने वाली अन्य भाषाओं में गुयारा, चिरीगुआनो, चिक्विटानो, और क्वेचुआ या आयमार शामिल हैं।
गुआनो इसके अंग्रेजी अर्थ का उदाहरण
Around the year 1870 the American company Philadelphia Guano Company was established in this group of islands, dedicated to the exploitation and exportation of guano, arriving to install a factory that would be abandoned over the years.
Cormorants are culled in many countries due to their impact on commercial and recreational fisheries and habitat modification for nesting and guano deposition.
A major import of the time was guano from Peru, part of the larger pattern of agricultural improvement of the time.
Similar invasion fears arose during World War II, and a variety of defences were installed on the south and north beaches at Alnmouth, including concrete anti-tank cubes, an anti-tank ditch, pill-boxes, reinforcement of the previous century's gun battery, and firing slits built into the walls of the Church Hill guano shed.
The nests are made of mud and bat guano and can be reused for multiple breeding seasons.
Syngonosaurus was synonymised with Acanthopholis in 1999, but the genus was reinstated in a 2020 study, when Syngonosaurus and Eucercosaurus were reinterpreted as basal iguanodontians.
Apatodon was assigned to Iguanodontoidea by Hay in 1902, to Ornithischia by von Huene in 1909, to Stegosauridae by von Zittel in 1911, and to Titanosaurinae by Steel in 1970, and also Casanovas et al.
The three types of pigment chromatophores in salamanders include yellow xanthophores, black melanophores, and silvery iridiophores (or guanophores).
However, the two dinosaurs most prominently featured in the ride have always been an Iguanodon and Carnotaurus, which were both featured prominently in the film.
Scenes from the movie also appear in the pre-show, to help the guests identify the Iguanodon as the film's protagonist, Aladar.
He intends to use the time rover and the guests that were supposed to take a tour to go on a mission to save an Iguanodon from extinction and bring it back to the Dino Institute.
He then goes on to say that the Iguanodon is at the very end of the Cretaceous period.