गिटार वाद्य यंत्र Meaning in English
गिटार वाद्य यंत्र शब्द का अंग्रेजी अर्थ : guitar instrument
ऐसे ही कुछ और शब्द
गिटार पिकगिटार खिलाड़ी
गिटार वादक
गुल मेँहदी
गुल जाति का समुद्री पक्षी
गिटार-वाद्य-यंत्र इसके अंग्रेजी अर्थ का उदाहरण
Banks of Sweet Primroses, (1990, self-release cassette of folk, Renaissance and Baroque guitar instrumentals).
Bob had a beautiful guitar instrumental, 'Sage and Spirit', and one of his stompin-est self-congratulatory rockers, 'Music Never Stopped', to round out the album.
A fast guitar instrumental.
Their The pandura (πανδοῦρα, pandoura) or pandore, an ancient string instrument, belonged in the broad class of the lute and guitar instruments.
In 1963, he recorded two hit singles for Fraternity, the proto-blues-rock guitar instrumentals "Memphis" and "Wham!" He soon recorded additional tunes to flesh out his debut album, The Wham of that Memphis Man (1963).
Mack didn't know the song's lyrics, but incorporated the basic melody into a greatly embellished electric guitar instrumental.
The band continued in their utilization of distorted sound effects, fuzz-toned guitar instrumentals, and experimented with a Vox organ.
Upon fixing, they put down tracks for all seven sections of "D Instrumental", four parts to the Henry suite, an outline of "Silver Song", and an untitled improvised guitar instrumental.
The major part of his work is performing unaccompanied – still a rare feature among non-classical guitar instrumentalists.
The chronology of tracks established on the Songs To No One 1991—1992 album ultimately began with two guitar instrumentals written by Gary Lucas in early June 1991, both of which were composed on Lucas’ 1964 black Stratocaster, in drop D tuning.
Military ranks of Greece "The Stumble" is a blues guitar instrumental composed and recorded by American blues artist Freddie King, for his 1961 album Let's Hide Away and Dance Away with Freddy King.
The track is heavily influenced by Latin pop elements, and makes use of prominent guitar instrumentation.
Some radio stations replaced the guitar instrumental section with the repeat of the bridge instead ("You got to sway your hips now"), because the disc jockeys strongly believed the static guitar solo was too experimental hard rock for airplay on commercial radio stations.