गर्भवतियों Meaning in English
गर्भवतियों शब्द का अंग्रेजी अर्थ : pregnancies
ऐसे ही कुछ और शब्द
गर्भावस्था का मुखौटा
गर्भावस्था काल
गर्भावस्था परीक्षण
गर्भवती महिला
गर्भवती महिला के गर्भाशय की जाँच
पहले से अनुमान लगाने वाला
गर्भवतियों इसके अंग्रेजी अर्थ का उदाहरण
" In 2009 John Carlisle (DetroitBlogger John) of the Metro Times said "Ghetto stereotypes thrive here — broad-daylight drug dealing, pre-teen pregnancies, long-gone or never-known fathers, and houses falling apart or giving way to vacant lots.
Comparing perinatal deaths, labor complications, and use of assisted delivery, the study found that "under certain circumstances (low risk pregnancies), home births attended by lay midwives can be accomplished as safely as, and with less intervention than, physician-attended hospital deliveries.
She had three pregnancies.
Alleviating the burden of unwanted pregnancies was often seen as encouraging infidelity and prostitution.
The "Saudi-owned" paper said that according to World Health Organization report "unplanned pregnancies and [.
Women who have > 1 full term pregnancies.
In addition to the lack skull cap, there were brain malformations present in each case, and all of the pregnancies were terminated either electively or the fetuses were spontaneously aborted.
| 108 || Mankre || Mankre || When a woman gets pregnant before her menses (either before the first menses, or in between pregnancies) ||.
| 92 || Mankre || Mankre || When a woman gets pregnant before her menses (either before the first menses, or in between pregnancies).
Furthermore, despite it being illegal, employers refuse to recruit women to avoid child bearing costs, or even fire women over their "inefficiency" during pregnancies.
However, no pregnancies occur.
breeding program has resulted in at least three pregnancies.