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गप्प Meaning in English

गप्प शब्द का अंग्रेजी अर्थ : silent
, gossip

गप्प इसके अंग्रेजी अर्थ का उदाहरण

The "county" families not actually akin were usually close friends, so that architectural ideas would be exchanged along with local gossip in frequent visits between them.

The students this morning are gossiping about the new student Buddy Revell, a violent delinquent who has just transferred to Weaver from a continuation high school.

Libyans love tea and coffee, and families usually gather together for their afternoon tea/coffee and catch up on the daily gossip.

In addition, he overhears the servants gossiping about hearing a child cry.

Though the police and her family, friends, and fiancé, Jim, are supportive, Ann believes that the neighbors are gossiping about her and that Jim can no longer see her as she once was.

They also formed a raw material for the writing of more systematic treatises in which were given arguments and means by which to struggle against some defect (such as anger, envy, gossip, flattery) or to overcome some difficult circumstance (a mourning, an exile, downfall, disgrace).

American gossip columnists.

Lat first began blogging anonymously for the judicial gossip blog "Underneath Their Robes," until he revealed his identity in a November 2005 interview with Jeffrey Toobin of The New Yorker.

Grace Dent, television critic for The Guardian, described the trio of "doomed weddings" between Billy and Honey in 2006 as an excuse to watch other television programmes "without ever feeling adrift from the Walford gossip [.

Aileen Mehle, gossip columnist.

Their loud, repetitive cries are usually nothing but gossip.

Other gossip declared the child was the product of rape by her elder brother the Duke of Cumberland, who was deeply unpopular.

गप्प हिंदी उपयोग और उदाहरण

"" अब बापट सभाओं में कहते,-अब गप्प मारने के दिन खत्म हुए, बम मारने के दिन आ गये हैं।

""गोल गप्पे - उनकी दही भल्ला भराई और डिपिंग अद्वितीय हैं और गायब होने के लायक नहीं हैं।

""एक साक्षात्कार में, निजलिंगप्पा ने याद किया कि उनके 'पिता के पूर्वज समृद्ध थे' पर $उन्होंने जुआ खेलने, शराब पीने और नारीकरण पर अपने धन को नष्ट कर दिया।

""अफवाह- गप्प, किंवदंती, जनश्रुति, जनप्रवाद।

ये एक गप्पेबाज़ नाई है, जो खास कर मुरारी से गप्पे मारता है।

इरइयन्नार अगप्पोरुल के अनुसार, जो संगम साहित्य पर दसवीं/ग्यारहवीं सदी की टीका है, तमिल देश का दक्षिणी विस्तार (कुमारि कंदम अथवा लेमूरिया) भारतीय उपमहादीप के वर्तमान भैतिक सीमाओं से कहीं अधिक दूर तक विस्तृत था और कुल 49 नाडुओं (उपविभागों) से मिलकर बना था।

बालचंद्र महेश्वर गुप्ते, हंसा मेहता, हरिविनायक पटस्कर, डॉ. भीमराव अम्बेडकर, यूसुफ एल्बन डिसूजा, कन्हैयालाल नानाभाई देसाई, केशवराव जेधे, खंडूभाई कसनजी देसाई, बाळासाहेब गंगाधर खेर, मीनू मसानी, कन्हैयालाल माणिकलाल मुंशी, नरहर विष्णु गाडगील, एस निजलिंगप्पा, एस. के. पाटिल, रामचंद्र मनोहर नलावडे़, आर आर दिवाकर, शंकरराव देव, गणेश वासुदेव मावलंकर,।

जैसे-जैसे एनिस्टन के साथ पिट का विवाह समाप्ति की ओर बढ़ा, Mr. 'amp; Mrs. स्मिथ के फिल्मांकन के दौरान अभिनेत्री एंजेलीना जोली के साथ उनका मेल-मिलाप एक पूर्ण प्रचारित हॉलीवुड गप्पेबाज़ी में बदल गया।

जलेश्वर में रेस्तरां और होटल अपने समोसे, चाट, गोलगप्पे, दहीबाड़ा, मोमोज (नेपाली शैली के पकौड़े), सेकुवा (भुना हुआ मसालेदार मांस) के लिए प्रसिद्ध हैं।

जीन-जेक्स राउसियु और इमानुअल कांट, दोनों ने तर्क दिया कि लोग शांतिप्रिय हैं और युद्ध निरंकुश शासन की देन है (बरचिल 2001:33). जहा तक कांट का संबंध है, यह प्रणाली एकल स्वार्थ के वर्चस्व और बहुमत के अत्याचार के प्रति प्रतिरक्षा के लिए प्रभावी है (अलगप्पा 2004:30).।

गोल गप्पे - उनकी दही भल्ला भराई और डिपिंग अद्वितीय हैं और गायब होने के लायक नहीं हैं।

ऐसे अवसरों पर किसी वृक्ष के नीचे बैठकर गोपगोपियों के बीच गप्प गोष्ठियाँ आयोजित की जाती थीं।

 वह अपने दोस्त एटली की मुगप्पुथगम ,  पहचान , कुराह्ल ।

गप्प इसके अंग्रेजी अर्थ का उदाहरण

7 frequency became "KKXT", and the station temporarily went silent for a month-long transition.

In a pre-recorded message, Driscoll said that he had been deliberately "rather silent" during the criticism, that he found it "a little overwhelming and a bit confusing", and indicated that he had no intention of resigning.

With the years of experience under his belt, Jack moved into the spotlight his uncle loved, as the frontman for the promotion, while Eddie had a low public profile, as his silent partner.

Since the cost of repairing the transmitter was considered to be uneconomical, due to the pending analog shutdown, the station's owners sought permission from the FCC to keep the analog transmitter silent.

" The school's policy is silent regarding gender, sexual orientation and gender identity.

The film's opening seven-minute prologue is shot in the style of a black and white silent film, complete with caption cards.

Because Chaucer's Middle English included many unstressed vowels at the end of words which later became silent, his poetry includes a greater number of [than that of Tibbles and Tibble may refer to:.

As early as May 1917, the model for the depiction of Liberty was reported to be Doris Doscher, who would later become a silent film actress under the name Doris Doree.

The Wolf Man (1924 film), a silent film starring John Gilbert and Norma Shearer.

He remained silent during the trial.

*Vin Scully's call of the final play in Game 6 would quickly become an iconic one to baseball fans, with the normally calm Scully growing increasingly excited: Scully then remained silent for more than three minutes, letting the pictures and the crowd noise tell the story.

Until the end I must be silent.

The ship was also equipped with eight quick-firing (QF) 40-caliber 12-pounder () 12-cwt guns and four 28-caliber Marion Leonard (June 9, 1881 – January 9, 1956) was an American stage actress who became one of the first motion picture celebrities in the early years of the silent film era.

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