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गजट Meaning in English

गजट शब्द का अंग्रेजी अर्थ : gadget
, gazette

गजट इसके अंग्रेजी अर्थ का उदाहरण

Commonwealth Games medallists in cricket The Rainbow Range, formerly gazetted as the Rainbow Mountains, is a mountain range in British Columbia, Canada, located northwest of Anahim Lake.

The theme park operates on Saturdays, Sundays, gazetted school and public holidays.

He was gazetted to the 7th Battalion of the North Staffordshire Regiment on 29 August 1914, and served in Gallipoli, where he was involved in the Battle of Sari Bair in August 1915.

Test and County Cricket Board Under-25s XI cricketers A gazetteer of place names in the United Kingdom showing each place's county, unitary authority or council area and its geographical coordinates.

On 14 July 1994, a virgin forest patch of Dhubri District of Assam was declared as a wildlife sanctuary by the gazette notification of the Assam Government.

Originally written by Claudius Ptolemy in Greek at Alexandria around AD"nbsp;150, the work was a revision of a now-lost atlas by Marinus of Tyre using additional Roman and Persian gazetteers and new principles.

He was being punished with solitary confinement for one such attempt when his VC was gazetted.

After the capture of Lucknow he was gazetted lieutenant-general.

He was operating under British command and the VC was gazetted in 1867.

On 15 October 2019, the National Heritage Board gazetted the Cavenagh Bridge, along with Anderson Bridge and Elgin Bridge (collectively known as the Singapore River Bridges) as the 73rd National Monument of Singapore.

The park was gazetted in 1995 as "Jervis Bay National Park (NSW)" to avoid confusion with nearby Booderee National Park in the Jervis Bay Territory, then known by the same name.

After El Alamein he was transferred to the 6th South African Armoured Division and was gazetted as recipient of the Military Medal (MM) for his actions in Tobruk on 11 March 1943.

गजट हिंदी उपयोग और उदाहरण

""भारत सरकार की संसद के अधिनियम के अंतर्गत स्थापित 'दि इंस्टीटय़ूट ऑफ कॉस्ट एंड वर्क्स अकाउंटेंट्स ऑफ इंडिया' (आईसीडब्ल्यूए) का नाम भारत सरकार के गजट के अंतर्गत दि इंस्टीटय़ूट ऑफ कॉस्ट अकाउंटेंट्स ऑफ इंडिया (आईसीएआई) कर दिया गया है।

1823 में डॉग फेनेल गजट प्रकाशित हुआ था।

'ग्रानी' (सीमाएँ), 'नोवी मीर' (नई दुनिया), 'ज्नाम्या' (परचम), 'अक्त्याबर' (अक्टूबर), 'अरिओन' और 'लितरातूरनया गज्येता' (साहित्यिक गजट) आदि प्रतिष्ठित पत्र-पत्रिकाओं में उनकी रचनाएँ प्रकाशित हुई हैं।

संयुक्त प्रांत में इस्तमरारी बंदोबस्त के दौरान ब्रिटिश गवर्नर जनरल लॉर्ड कॉर्नवालिस ने सरकारी गजट में इस मंदिर के समीप स्थित झील को कवलेश्वर ताल दर्ज किया है।

अलीगढ इंस्टिट्यूट गजट सन 1880 के पृष्ठ 1083 पर उर्दू के कवि मौलाना अल्ताफ हुसैन हाली ने लिखा है कि फ़िरोज़ाबाद में खजूर के पटटे की पंखिया एशी उम्दा वनती है कि हिंदुस्तान में शायद ही कही वनती हो।

८ दिसंबर २०११ को शासनादेश जारी किया गया, लेकिन गजट नोटिफिकेशन न होने के कारण नए जिले अस्तित्व में नहीं आ पाए।

1780... देश के पहले समाचार पत्र हिक्की गजट या बंगाल गजट या कलकत्ता जनरल एडवरटाइजर का कोलकाता से प्रकाशन आरंभ हुआ।

| 1780 || कलकत्ता || बंगाल गजट || जेम्स ऑगस्टस हिक्की।

पूर्णरूपेण अखबार बंगाल से 'बंगाल-गजट' के नाम से वायसराय हिक्की द्वारा निकाला गया था।

उन व्यक्तियों के नाम सरकारी गजट में प्रकाशित किए गए हैं।

जेम्स ऑगस्टस हिक्की ईस्‍ट इंडिया कंपनी के मुलाजिम के रूप में भारत आये थे और कलकत्‍ता से उन्‍हों ने अंग्रेजी में बंगाल गजट समाचार पत्र प्रकाशित किया था।

क़ानूनी रूप से कोई नाम बदलना बहुत जटिल प्रक्रिया है, जिसके अंतर्गत प्रस्तावित परिवर्तन की घोषणा समाचार-पत्रों के माध्यम से करना और परिवर्तन एक आधिकारिक गजट में प्रकाशित करवाना शामिल होता है।

""वर्तमान में भारतीय पत्रकारिता सरकारी गजट या नोटिफ़िकेशन बनकर रह गई है।

गजट इसके अंग्रेजी अर्थ का उदाहरण

In the Ceremonial Hall there are astronomical gadgets and maps from the Middle Ages.

His cohorts include Monkey Penny (his secretarial assistant), Professor Quack (creator of the SPY Corps gadgets), the SPY Corps Chief, and the four-armed, four-sleeved 'tracking bug', Walter Wireless.

The main protagonist of the games, Spy Fox, uses a variety of gadgets to complete his missions.

He relies on his wits and various spy gadgets, supplied to him by Quack, found at the Mobile Command Center.

Professor Quack - A duck at the Mobile Command Center working on spy gadgets.

He'll explain to Spy Fox how each gadget works when the player clicks on them in the Spy Gadget vending machine.

He has a habit of eating the gadget's blueprints after explaining the gadget's functions to the player.

" Rapper Coolio mentioned the shoe brand in his song "1,2,3,4 (Sumpin' New)" from the 1995 album Rahan is a French comics series about an intelligent prehistoric man, that appeared first as part of Pif gadget starting in March 1969, then published in albums of 2 to 4 complete stories.

Mayor Knightleigh plans to destroy the gadget graveyard in order to build his own fancy hotel, using a group of celebrities to sponsor it.

While she is not prone to fighting, her fighting style includes applying non-lethal force as much as possible (like using a "tickler machine" and bug spray), and also using a vast array of traps and gadgets (she is notoriously known among the other Correctors for this, she even dubbed herself the "Trap Princess").

Cartman gathers the boys together in his basement to show them a videotape of the girls of South Park Elementary using a device, which he believes is a high-tech gadget that gives them the ability to see into the future (in reality, it is a paper fortune teller).

Tarzan, Jane, and Cheeta track across the jungle and, flying across the Atlantic, eventually end up in New York City, where Tarzan is befuddled by the lifestyle and gadgetry of "civilization".

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