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खोपड़ी की हड्डी Meaning in English

खोपड़ी की हड्डी शब्द का अंग्रेजी अर्थ : skull bone

खोपड़ी-की-हड्डी इसके अंग्रेजी अर्थ का उदाहरण

Abnormal softening of the skull bone (craniotabes—infants and children).

Olympic silver medalists in swimming The temple is a juncture where four skull bones fuse together: the frontal, parietal, temporal, and sphenoid.

With normal inner anatomy, sound conducted by the skull bone improves hearing.

The sound quality is also impaired as much of the sound energy is lost in the soft tissue over the skull bone, particularly for the higher sound frequencies important for speech understanding in noise.

In patients with single-sided sensorineural deafness, BAHA sends the sound by the skull bone from the deaf side to the inner ear of the hearing side.

The skull bone in children is often very thin and softer than in the adult.

They were characterized by stocky hind limbs and extensive ornamentation of the skull bones, with grooves and pits.

Two skull bones, the lacrimal and postorbital bones, projected into the eye socket from the front and back, nearly dividing it into two compartments.

Sculpturing is seen on many of the skull bones, in the form of long grooves, pits, and protrusions.

However, most are known from at least some skull bones, so known shared features come mainly from the skull.

They include prematurely fused skull bones, which affect the shape of the head and face; wide-set, bulging eyes due to shallow eye sockets; eyes that do not point in the same direction (strabismus); a small, beaked nose; and an underdeveloped upper jaw.

Many of the characteristic facial features (among other) of Jackson–Weiss syndrome result from the premature fusion of the skull bones.

Many of the characteristic facial features result from the premature fusion of the skull bones (craniosynostosis).

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