खीस Meaning in English
खीस शब्द का अंग्रेजी अर्थ : giggle
, grin
ऐसे ही कुछ और शब्द
खीस इसके अंग्रेजी अर्थ का उदाहरण
Serbian people of Montenegrin descent.
He suggested a large conference, including many older, foreign physicists, much to MacInnes' chagrin.
Hoare, Henry Peregrine Rennie, Hoare's Bank: A Record 1672-1955, 1932, new edition 1955.
In order to get to Bihać, Đurišić had to make a safe-conduct agreement with elements of the Armed Forces of the Independent State of Croatia and with Montenegrin separatist Sekula Drljević.
The transfer of authority of regulating securities markets from the Former Republic of Yugoslavia to its member states required the adoption of the Montenegrin Law on Securities, which did not regulate the issue of short-term securities or trading with them.
In the 11th century began the gradual transfer to Massa Marittima of the episcopal seat of Populonia, which had been looted by pirates and destroyed by the fleet of Nicetas, Prefect of Constantinople: a letter from Pope Alexander II to Bishop Tegrin of 1062 testifies the transfer of the bishopric to Massa.
He would often miss Friday evening lectures to attend canoeing events countrywide: "The dedicated grind of medical study did not inspire me the way that countrywide canoeing competitions did.
carbide grinding stone.
* Isabella Peregrina as Sister Sarah (voice).
For example, Ugrin Csák (archbishop from 1219 till 1241) was the leader against the Tartars at the battle of Mohi 11 April 1241.
a discredit to British taste), and the latter's appointment as Poet Laureate in the same year and subsequent offer of a baronetcy caused him outrage and chagrin.
खीस हिंदी उपयोग और उदाहरण
* +2 उच्च विद्यालय हलसी लखीसराय।
लखीसराय जिले में कई सारे कॉलेज कॉलेज एवं स्कूल स्थित है जो दोनों है निजी और सरकारी निजी तौर पर लखीसराय बालिका विद्यापीठ डीएवी लखीसराय यह सभी विद्यालय लखीसराय में स्थित है एवं केएस कॉलेज के आर के कॉलेज उनमें से प्रमुख हैं।
लखीसराय जिले में स्थित सुर्यगढ़ा प्रखंड के जगदीशपुर गांव में स्थित 'शिव दुर्गा महावीर मंदिर सुर्यगढ़ा' प्रसिद्ध है।
मुख्य रूप से यह बिहार के गया, पटना, राजगीर ,नालंदा ,जहानाबाद,अरवल,नवादा,शेखपुरा,लखीसराय,जमुई ,मुंगेर, औरंगाबाद के इलाकों में बोली जाती है।
आधुनिक जांच में वे लोकप्रिय संस्कृति में एक साहित्यिक खीस्तयाग बन गए हैं।
इन मंदिरों में कुछ महत्वपूर्ण तीर्थस्थान इस प्रकार हैं - अशोकधाम, भगवती स्थान बड़ैहया, श्रृंगऋषि, जलप्पा स्थान, अभयनाथ स्थान अभयपुर, माँ दुर्गा मंदिर तेतरहाट,हनुमान मंदिर तेतरहाट, माँ दुर्गा मंदिर शरमा,बाबा शोभनाथ मंदिर,माँ सति स्थान,गोबिंद बाबा स्थान, मानो-रामपुर, दुर्गा स्थान लखीसराय आदि।
समस्तीपुर ज़िले के नगर लखीसराय (Lakhisarai) भारत के बिहार राज्य के लखीसराय ज़िले में स्थित एक नगर है।
लखीसराय जिला के गाँव रतनुपुर इंग्लिश सूर्यगढा, लखीसराय, बिहार स्थित एक गाँव है।
स्तनों में निकलने वाले खीस (कोलोस्ट्रम) में प्रोटीन अधिक मात्रा में होती है।
यहाँ के ज्यादातर निवासी लखीसराय शहर में ही रहते हैं या प्रतिदिन आवागमन करते हैं।
""अररिया *अरवल *औरंगाबाद *कटिहार *किशनगंज *खगड़िया *गया *गोपालगंज *छपरा *जमुई *जहानाबाद *दरभंगा *नवादा *नालंदा *पटना *पश्चिम चंपारण *पूर्णिया *पूर्वी चंपारण *बक्सर *बाँका *बेगूसराय *भभुआ *भोजपुर *भागलपुर *मधेपुरा *मुंगेर *मुजफ्फरपुर *मधुबनी *सासाराम *लखीसराय *वैशाली *सहरसा *समस्तीपुर *सीतामढी *सीवान *सुपौल *शिवहर *शेखपुरा।
सखीसहस्रैह परिसेविताम सदा स्मरेम देवीं सकलेष्टकामदाम. छंद 6.।
लखीसराय जिला के गाँव तमांग रिपोर्ट, मैट्रोपोलिटन मजिस्ट्रेट एस पी तमांग द्वारा बनाई गई रिपोर्ट हैं।
खीस इसके अंग्रेजी अर्थ का उदाहरण
They have warped some parts of the playwright's plot to give us a fairly reasonable flow of giggles and an occasional guffaw.
" Marjorie Bilbow of Screen International wrote that the film "works as spirited scream and giggle nonsense because there is always something happening and Joe Dante directs with a slyly tongue-in-cheek awareness of the existence of big brother Jaws.
" Mary, overhearing them, begins to giggle quietly.
As the Sit Down begins to hum, Tidyup begins to feel a bit peculiar as he feels its magic working, and Stoppit thinks it is a bit of a giggle, but the Sit Down continues to hum, and Tidyup eventually explodes before returning to his original shape.
Those Corps of Engineers people giggled in the back of the room when we tried to present information.
She then recounts a story"nbsp;— usually a thinly-disguised fairy tale"nbsp;— before collapsing in giggles as Abbington figures it out—"This is Karen, isn't it?".
The Toronto Sun described Jackson's performance in Canada, saying, "in an orange top, jeans, distressed denim jacket and cap, she blushes, giggles, chews gum and rarely breaks out of a whisper".
Lately, while patrolling, Buffy's been getting the distinct impression that she's being stalked by a demon that emits a high pitched giggle.
She is quite curious and often giggles.
The character is anthropomorphic, but apart from the occasional spoken word communicates using mostly squeaks and giggles, improvised by Cartwright.
Cartwright's dialogue for Rufus consists of almost entirely squeaks, gurgles and giggles, believing that the character offers comedy and "a little levity to the show.
Also known for his giggle.