खाल भरना Meaning in English
खाल भरना शब्द का अंग्रेजी अर्थ : skin
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त्वचा रोग
त्वचा के रोग
खाल-भरना इसके अंग्रेजी अर्थ का उदाहरण
Cefepime is a broad-spectrum cephalosporin antibiotic and has been used to treat bacteria responsible for causing pneumonia and infections of the skin and urinary tract.
These bacteria often manifest as infections of the lower respiratory tract, skin, central nervous system, bone, and intra-abdominal cavity.
PIR insulation can be a mechanical irritant to skin, eyes, and upper respiratory system during fabrication (such as dust).
In the American animated sitcom The Simpsons, Bart Simpson frequently calls Moe's Tavern asking for nonexistent patrons with gag names, prompting bartender Moe Szyslak to call out for the person.
The Buckskin Gulch and Wire Pass trailheads offer more experienced hikers access to Buckskin Gulch, the main tributary of Paria Canyon.
Anglia Ruskin University Library (updated 2010).
Families faced with asking prices of ten times or more of the initial value more often than not had no choice but to vacate their homes and farms, in the process losing everything they worked for; often it turned out to be a railroad employee who had purchased the property in question.
Despite criticism, Finkbeiner ignored a press question asking if the fines were related to the city's financial woes.
After submitting his dissertation, Mike was seen walking home and asking himself, "Now what?" After a period of job-hunting, he was finally hired by Prof.
?", she was seen in an alternate timeline as possibly being the mother of the Nameless Hero's (supposed) baby, with the Nameless Hero asking "WHAT IF I HAD STAYED IN ACADEMIA?".
BCEM, also referred to as conjunctival hypermelanosis, complexion-associated melanosis, or racial melanosis, is a non-cancerous lesion of the conjunctiva that is more commonly found in dark-skinned individuals (over 90% of lesions are found in black persons and around 5% in white persons).