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खाई मोर्टार Meaning in English

खाई मोर्टार शब्द का अंग्रेजी अर्थ : trench mortar

खाई-मोर्टार इसके अंग्रेजी अर्थ का उदाहरण

The Chinese army was significantly underarmed in comparison to the Japanese and many units were equipped with predominantly with handguns, hand grenades, and traditional Chinese swords with limited supplies of trench mortars, heavy machine guns, light machine guns and rifles.

For example, the Hanyang Arsenal was reconstructed in 1935 and 1936 to produce Maxim machine guns, various 82"nbsp;mm trench mortars, and the Chiang Kai-shek rifle (based on the German Mauser Standardmodell and Karabiner 98k rifles).

Firing Lyddite shells, or using trench mortars, was tried.

In the five earnest days of fighting between the 8th and 13 August the Canadian Corps captured 9,131 prisoners, 190 artillery pieces, and over 1,000 machine guns and trench mortars.

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