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क्षुद्र पिंड Meaning in English

क्षुद्र पिंड शब्द का अंग्रेजी अर्थ : small body

क्षुद्र-पिंड इसके अंग्रेजी अर्थ का उदाहरण

Her small body looked slimmer without clothes, a perception which was emphasized by the dwarfing effect of her breasts.

Radford places the Chase Vault story within a small body of legends about ambulatory coffins around the world, including several examples from the Barbados, some predating the Chase case.

American and German anthropologists began recording Tlingit in various linguistic transcriptions from the 1890s onward, and there exists a small body of literature and a large amount of vocabulary recorded in these transcriptions.

Though he is sometimes mistaken for a girl because of his small body, he is quite strong and able to get by in Igura.

Neoptolemus managed to escape with a small body of cavalry and joined Craterus, whom he persuaded to march immediately against Eumenes, while the latter was still celebrating his victory and unprepared for a fresh attack.

He died in late 1428 at the age of 26, or having just turned 27, leaving behind a relatively small body of work.

Constrained to small body diameters by the soil, amphisbaenians can increase muscle mass by increasing body length, not body diameter.

One is a widespread legend among the humans of North America, an AI named "Lucifer" that is built into a pair of semi-trailers and travels around the continent evading the attention of the Zoneminds with a small bodyguard of robot attendants.

For example, selection in one population might favor a large body size, whereas in another population small body size might be more advantageous, while individuals with intermediate body sizes are comparatively disadvantaged in both populations.

On the consuls learning of this, Marcellus set off in haste with two thirds of his cavalry (about 3,200 men, assuming a full complement of 4,800 equites for two consular armies) and a small body of his fittest infantry to relieve the besieged.

Dervenohoria enjoyed little autonomy and retained a small body of men combatants led by Skourtaniotis.

The name "Karukachal" was coined from the words "Karuka"(Karukapullu in Malayalam) which is a type of grass which grew in plenty and "chal" meaning a small body of flowing water.

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